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"How would you feel if Yoongi was your new doctor?"


Jimins POV

I stand there surprised at the question. Yoongi as my doctor? I mean he was nice and all but I still didn't know him. who knows if he was some kind of bad doctor that kidnapped his patients. I wince at the thought hoping that it wasn't true. But it didn't hurt. Right?

"I-I will d-do it" i said looking at them
"Great! I'll go get him" Jin said clapping his hand together

"But" i said stopping Jin from leaving
Namjoon and Jin turn to me confused.
"I-I w-want to g-get to k-know him first, I-f that's o-ok" I said putting my head down looking at the floor hoping they would say yes.

"Aw" Jin said and I raise my head to look at him
"Of course jimin what ever you like" Jin said patting my head and smiling down at me

"I'll go get him." Jin said
I smile and watch Jin leave as he went to go fetch Yoongi.

"Sit, we will wait for them" Namjoon said pointing at the couch in his office.
I sit down and wait for them.

I wonder if Yoongi will agree to be my doctor.


Authors POV

Jin walked around the halls looking for Yoongi. He was going to give up until he finally found him in the cafeteria sitting alone eating a sandwich drinking coffee and reading a book.

Jin sighed as he approached him and sat down in front of him.
"Hey Yoongi" Jin said
Yoongi looked up from his book
"Hi" was all he said before going back to his book

"I was wondering something"
"Do you want to take care of any patients?" Jin asked as he raised his brow
"Mm to be honest..no I don't,right now I want to relax" Yoongi said going back to reading

"Oh..ok" Jin said standing up
"I was just wondering if u will take Jimin since no other doctors will take him" Jin said getting up bout to walk away.

He knew Yoongi was gonna take him he just had to wait for the cue-
"Wait!" Yoongi said sighing
'There it is' Jin thought
Jin smiled and turned around facing Yoongi

"Sit" Yoongi said pointing to the chair
Jin sat down in the chair
"What's wrong with him?" Yoongi asked

He was really curious about the kid ever since he met him at that light.
"Well for starters he has Anthropophobia" Jin said

"Oh? I've heard that a patient around here has that. Never would have guess it was him"Yoongi said putting his book away

Jin had yoongis attention for sure now and that's what Jin wanted.

" Jimin has been comin here since he was 10." Jin said
"And Since he has been coming he has been showing no progress changing doctors all the time"
"Why?" Yoongi asked

"They couldn't take care of him, he would never talk to them, well of course thats because of his phobia. And even if it was he couldn't keep a doctor more than a week" Jin said taking a sip of Yoongis coffee.

Yoongi sat there thinking on whether to take Jimin in or not. Sure the boy was interesting but Yoongi wasn't sure if he could cure him judging by what Jin had just told him.
But it didn't hurt for him to try. Right?
"Alright, I will take him" Yoongi said

Jin smiles at Yoongis answer
"Great! But wait" Jin said
"But what?" Yoongi said confused
"Before you take him, Jimin wants to know you first" Jin said

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