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Heyy enjoy!!


Jimins POV

After Yoongi had left, I walked over to the bathroom that I had in my room to take a nice hot shower. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. Once I turned around I was in awe. The bathroom was a decent size with a big bath tub and a pretty big shower with glass doors that were see through. The shower head was on the ceiling so the water came straight down once turned on. (I have seen this shower, and used it...its heaven..to me that is) I walked over to the bath and turned the hot water on and letting it fill up, not without adding bubbles of course.

I step away from the bath as it was getting filled then started to undress. Once I was undressed, I walk over to the bath to turn it off as it was already filled to a certain point. I slowly step into the bath already loving the warmness engulfing me. I lay back and let out a satisfied sigh. Its been awhile since I have bathed like this since we didn't have a bath tub back at home. I look down at the water then started to play with the bubbles making little mountains on my chest. After playing with the bubbles, I lay my head back again closing my eyes.


"Y-es $%^&?" (cant let you know who this is yet, but im sure you probably know but still)

"Remember that I will always be with you even if I do leave this hospital, I will never forget you" 

"O-kay %^$#, I won't f-orget you either b-ut promise me y-ou will always come visit me" 

"I promise"

I open up my eyes remembering those times. Even after that promise as made, it was never kept. I spent the days in the hospital alone, making my phobia become even worse. I began to stutter way more, not let people even touch, always treating them like they had a disease. But truth was I was the only one sick, not them. I sigh as I sink into the water closing my eyes and letting my hair get wet. After a couple of seconds I rise back up. I slowly started to get out of the bath only to be surrounded by coldness. I hurry and rush to the shower so I could watch my body and hair. Even if I was only in the bath for a little, the water was still dirty from my sweat and dirt on my skin. 

I turn it on and let it warm up before I go into the water. Once i did, I sigh as i felt the hot water poor on my skin. It felt good making me not want to get out but I know it was getting late and the warm water started to make me tired. I quickly wash my hair and body with a strawberry scent which was my favorite. Once I was done, I turned the water off and grabbed the towel that was outside the shower door.

I step out of the shower with the towel wrapped around my waist then head towards the room. I got dressed in some boxers and a black tank top and got into bed. The bed was so soft making me start to fall asleep quicker. I couldnt stop thinking about tomorrow. I wondered what we were gonna do. How is he gonna treat me? I shook my head ignoring my thoughts then fall asleep.


I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I groggily reach for my phone to see that mother was calling me at 9:00.

"Its...9?" I said as I answered the call.

"Good Morning sweetie, did you just wake up?"
"Oh wow you never wake up this late"
(Normally he wakes up very early)
"I k-now, h-hows kookie?"
"Well, he is still upset you left but he is okay with it, he understands that it might help you"
"Well sweetheart im gonna let you go, have to get to work, love you bye"
"L-love you t-too" i hung up.

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