Clark's Niece - Part 1

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So I'm gonna change their age a little bit. The reader is 8 and Damian is 10.


You were terrified. Uncle Clark wants to take you up to the Watchtower to meet the rest of the Justice League. Neither you or Clark is entirely sure how you ended up on Earth, but according to the DNA test that Batman had run, you were definitely related to Uncle Clark. Connor had also taken an instant liking to you, mainly because you preferred to be around your cousin more than your uncle.

The Zeta tube announces the arrival of Superman, and everyone turns toward the sound. You reach out, gripping the edge of Uncle Clark's cape, hiding behind him. "Everyone, this is my niece, Y/N"

You duck behind Uncle Clark's cape, there are too many strangers for you to feel comfortable. Uncle Clark chuckled and moved his cape, balling it up so you can't hide anymore.

A red blur zooms up to you, crouching beside you, "Hello! My name is Barry! It's really nice to meet Big Blues niece!" The man pulled off his mask, revealing a young face and kind eyes.

"Uncle Clark" you whisper; your shaking hands griping the leg of his costume.

"It's alright" Clark crouched down so he was eye level with you, "Come on, say hello to Barry"

"H-Hello Mr. Barry" you whisper, shyly holding out your hand. Barry grins, gently shaking your hand, he's obviously excited. You can feel him almost vibrating beside you.

"Just Barry is fine, sweetheart! Or Uncle Barry"

You smile shyly and nod, the other League members slowly come forward to meet you, until you have been introduced to everyone but Batman and Robin. At that point you have come out of your shell a little bit.

"Hello, Batman! Hello Robin" You float up until you are eye level with Batman's face, "You're my favorite League member! It's really nice to meet you"

Bruce lips quirk in a smirk, "It is very nice to meet you too, Y/N. My name is Bruce. This here is my son Damian"

You immediately drop down to face Damian, "tt, Father I do not understand why I had to attend this meeting"

You tilt your head, and suddenly dart in, wrapping your arms tightly around Damian. Several of the adults gasp, tensing ready to separate the two, "Hello, you are gonna be my best friend"

Damian struggles for a minute, before he gives one last sigh and begrudgingly hugs you back. Every League member freezes, fully expecting Damian to attack you for touching him. "I suppose I can allow you to befriend me, having a Super at my side could have its benefits."

You smile, happy to have finally made a friend, you grab onto Damian's cape, making sure you don't lose your new friend.

There's a flurry of wind and suddenly your cousin is standing next to Uncle Clark, "Sorry I'm late, Y/N! I had to do a quick patrol before I came up here"

You let out a happy shriek and shoot into Kon's arms. "Kon!! I missed you!"

The older Kryptonian chuckled, "It's only been a day, honey!"

You grab onto Kon's hand and drag him over, "Have you met Damian? He's my best friend!"

Connor chuckled, "Didn't you just meet the little brat? How can you be best friends already, squirt?"

You giggle happily and zoom back over to Damian, who immediately folds you into a hug. You squirm until you're facing your cousin, but still wrapped in the older boy's arms. " Come say hi, Kon!!"

The adult Justice League members smile and shake their heads at you younger heroes' antics. "I'm gonna call it" Barry announced, loud enough for the adults to hear, but the younger ones were too preoccupied to be paying attention so they didn't. "Those two are going to be married someday"

Clark stiffens immediately, turning to look at the two youngest. His mouth opens in horror when he sees Robin gently cradling his niece against his armored chest. The smallest Super wiggles out of Robin's hold and hangs onto his cape, letting herself be pulled around wherever Robin goes.

"Not going to happen, Barry" Clark growled

Bruce raises one eyebrow, "And why not? Do you think my son isn't good enough for your niece?"

Clark turns around, "I didn't say that, Bruce. Damian is a good kid, but I mean, Y/N is so young ..."

"Well they can be friends, can't they? I mean there's no harm in that" Bruce smirks, placing a hand on his best friends shoulder, "What harm could it do, they're both young, and there are so few young people in the Hero role. It'll be good for them to have a friend"

Clark looks like he wants to argue again, but he doesn't want to start anything, "I suppose Y/N could use a friend"

Bruce's smirk gets bigger, "I'm glad you see it that way, Clark. But Barry ... I do have to agree with you, those two are going to get married"

Clark gapes at Bruce as the other League members laugh. Bets are made while Clark just stands there in complete shock. He is the only one to say that the won't be getting married.

"Dami!" You call. Damian had vanished, he had been right behind you, but when you turned around he was gone. You could feel tears build up in your eyes, you had already lost your first friend and it hadn't even been a day. You were alone, and you were scared. "Dami!!!" You sob.

You fly around, frantically looking for your best friend, but you can't find him. Damian is actually the one who finds you.

"Beloved? Why are you crying?" His eyes are wide behind his mask, "Who hurt you? I will kill them!"

You fling your arms around his neck, pulling him into a fierce hug, careful of your advanced strength. Damian stands up, picking you up with him and sits down in a nearby chair. "I was so scared" you sob, "Thought I lost you!"

Damian rocks back and forth, "Hush, Beloved, hush. I am here. I am so sorry for leaving you, I did not realize how much stress my disappearance would cause you"

You sniffle, nuzzling into Damian's throat, "Just ... Just don't do it again, okay?"

"Never, Beloved, never."

"Y/N it's time to go!"

Tears immediately fill your eyes, "I don't wanna go Uncle Clark"

"We have to go back to the farm. Grandma and Grandpa will be worried if we don't head back soon". Uncle Clark crouches down so he's eye level with you.

The tears spill over, "I don't want to leave my new friend. Damian said that we are gonna get married. If we are married, then you can't separate us".

"How dare you upset my Beloved" Damian snarls, taking a step in front of you. He whips out one of his swords, leveling it at Uncle Clark's chest, he was ready to fight for you.

Everyone froze when Bruce let out a chuckle, "It seems like the children have taken a liking to each other. Why doesn't Y/N come back to the Manor with me, the two can have a sleep over?"

You zoom over to Clark, "Please? Please? Please Uncle Clark?!?"

Uncle Clark looks like he's in pain, "Alright, but just for tonight".

At the conformation Bruce full on smiles, and Uncle Clark growls at the man, "This means nothing" Uncle Clark hisses. Bruce just shakes his head and leads the two young vigilantes to the Zeta tube.

Clark's Niece - Damian Wayne x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now