Clark's Niece - Part 3

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So this is a bigger jump in time than I origionally wanted, but oh well! Damian the the reader have not started dating yet. Here is a little bit of angst for everyone! I don't know when I'll post next.


"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

You scrub the rain off your face, "Hey, Jay ..."

Jason quickly pulls you into the house, "What happened? I thought you were spending the weekend at the Manor?"

You let out a soft sob, "Damian and I got in a fight"

Jason tenses, his hands tightening slightly on your shoulder before loosening, "Come on, lets get you into some dry cloths and you can tell me what happened"

He gently nudges you toward his room, "Can I get out the blue sweater?"

Jason knows that when you pull out the blue sweater it means that you are really upset, so he just calls out the affirmative. Flopping down on the couch Jason groans, "He's only 16, how bad could he have fucked up?"

– (Earlier that night) –

Wayne Enterprise had decided to host a charity gala that Friday night, and you had been invited, but not by Damian. You hadn't even known about the gala until you showed up at the Manor after school. Dick greeted you with a grin and a dress, telling you to get ready. Thinking that Damian had set all of this up, you made sure to look your best for the gala. This would be the first event that you were seen with Damian at and you wanted to look your best.

"Dick, will you help me with my hair?!"

Instead of Dick, Alfred walked in, "I believe that I would be much better suited for this task, Miss Y/N. I used to help Bruce's mother with her hair before similar events, it shall be nice to help in this way again" You smile up at the older man, letting him do whatever he wanted with your hair.

When you next opened your eyes you are in awe. Alfred had pulled your hair up into a beautiful waterfall braid, and throughout the curled waved he had placed beautiful jewels, making every movement sparkle. "It's beautiful"

"Indeed you are. Now, I seem to have lost track of time, and I believe that you will be fashionably late for the gala"


You arrive at the gala in a limo, almost an hour after the arty started. Dick glances over at you, "Even though we're late, I don't think that we're the last ones to arrive"

You giggle, and accept his help in getting out of the car. The long green dress, and matching heels can be difficult to navigate in, so you use your powers a little bit to make sure you don't fall.

You walk into the gala with a smile on your face, but it instantly drops as soon as you see Damian. He's surrounded by models, two are hanging off of his arms, and a third has her arms around his neck. "Dick ..."

Dick see's what you're looking at, "Shit, Y/N. We should go this was a mistake. I'm so sorry ..."

"Is this why he didn't want me to come?" you whisper.

Dick whips you around so you're facing him, "Y/N listen to me, don't jump to any conclusions. Damian could have a perfectly reasonable explanation for this"

You turn back around, this time to find Damian kissing, more like making out, with one of the models, the other two peppering kisses all over his face and neck. "Yeah, I bet he does"

Damian's eyes open when the model pulls back, and he makes eye-contact with you. Instead of waiting around you pull away from Dick and quickly make your way to the roof. "Y/N!! Y/N wait!"

Completely ignoring Damian, you burst onto the roof, and storm to the edge. "What?!? What do you want Damian?!"

"I wanted to apologize for what happened ..."

You let out a hysterical laugh, already on the verge of tears, "Why would you need to apologize?! You seemed to really be enjoying yourself in there!"

"No! They meant nothing!" Damian was slowly trying to get closer to you, one hand reached out.

"Oh, they meant nothing?! It didn't look like they meant nothing! They were all over you! I thought that we ... that you and I ... were more than friends ... but now that I saw that I know I was wrong" You draw your-self up to your full height, "I guess I was wrong, Damian. I apologize for loving you. Love is obviously something that a Wayne man is incapable of" You snarl. "Goodbye"

Flinging yourself off the roof you purposefully block out anything that Damian says, and you fly to the only place that you feel safe, Jason's.

– (Present) –

Jason sits, shocked, on the couch, trying to absorb everything you just told him. He sighs and opens his arms, "Come here, sweetheart"

You lunge across the sofa, burying yourself in Jason's arms, and you finally cry like you want to. "Why does it hurt so much?" you sob. If feels like your heart was torn out and left on that rooftop, like a piece of you is missing.

"I'm so sorry he hurt you like this. But I'm here, sweetheart, I'm here."

Jason rocks you back and forth gently, and slowly your tears begin to stop and you start to get tired, "'m tired, Jay"

"Go to sleep then. I'll make sure no one bothers you alright?"

You nod sleepily, closing your eyes and letting exhaustion overcome you.

Soon after Jason puts Y/N to bed there is a knock on his front door. It's Damian, of course it's Damian. Jason flings the door open, his broad shoulder taking up almost the entire doorframe, "What do you want, brat?"

"I need to see, Y/N. I need to explain what happened. Please, Jason, let me ..."

"I think you've done enough tonight" Jason interrupted, "She's a mess, and it's your fault. The best thing you can do right now is get the hell off my doorstep, go home, and figure out how you're going to win her back. Because if you leave things the way they are, you are missing out on the chance of a lifetime, babybat. And honestly that's something I would hate to see"

Damian's shoulders slump, he looks like the weight of the world is dragging him down, "Can I see her, please, I won't do anything. I just need to know that she's safe. Please, Jason, that's all I'm asking."

Jason sighs but moves aside. He leads Damian to his bedroom door and slowly opens it a crack, just enough for Damian to see the state that Y/N is in. Her hair in a tangled mess, makeup streaked her face, and she looks so small, curled up in Jason's large bed. It makes a surge of protectiveness and guilt build up in Damian. He had caused Y/N pain, even after he had promised to protect her.

Damian quietly closes the door, "Thank you" He heads back to the front door, "Will you make sure that she is safe?"

"You know I will"

He nods, "Thank you, for helping her."

Jason sighs, "Listen, kid. I know that Bruce was probably the one who set you up with the models, I know you probably didn't want them at all. But the fact of it is that Y/N did see you with them. You need to make her feel like she is the only girl in the entire world who exists, that your love only exists for her. You need to prove to her that you are Her Dami, that you aren't the Damian Wayne she saw tonight." Jason raked a hand through his hair, "I don't want to see her in pain, and I don't want to see you hurting either. Remind her that you are hers just as much as she is yours. If you do that, then you might have a chance of winning her back. But before you do, you have to ask yourself a very important question. What are you willing to do, give up Y/N for good, or disobey your father? Once you choose, then decide what to do, because you can't have both. You can't expect to be seen as a playboy like Bruce, and still keep Y/N"

Damian nods at the end of Jason's speech, "Thank you, Jason. You ... you are a good brother. I know now what I have to do"

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