Clark's Niece - Part 6

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So I don't know if I used the right term but here they are!

Umayri - My Prince (That's what Google Translate told me!!)

Amira - Princess


When you wake up the next day you feel more refreshed than you have in a long time. Damian is curled around you, fast asleep, and you wonder why you woke up. When the door clicks shut you have your answer. Quickly wriggling out of Damian's hold you quickly head out to the living room.

"Uncle Lex?" You whisper

"In here, Y/N" He takes a sip of his coffee, "So you two made up"

"Yeah, we did. I love him, Uncle Lex. I love him so much that it hurts. I don't know how I would ever survive without him"

Lex sighs, "He and I are going to have a talk on how to treat you, darling. I expect him to ask permission to take you out on a date, and be aware that when you do go out, I will be watching you, and if he hurts you, I will hurt him"

There's a hoarse chuckle from the door, "I thought that we were over that, dad. I don't really like to get shot, so I would appreciate it if you kept the injuries to a minimum."

As Kon walks by he drops a kiss onto the top on your head, and you gently squeeze his arm. It's practically a morning ritual, a show of affection and love between the two cousins. "Sit down, Kon. I'll get your coffee, you shouldn't even be up, you know."

Conner flops into a chair and Lex fusses, making sure he didn't pull any stitches. While Lex is a supervillain, and the cause of a lot of problems, he is also one of the most caring people you know. "Try not to strain yourself, son. I don't want to have to take you back into surgery"

"Come on, dad! You know I can't miss out on your famous coffee! It's like the best stuff in the whole country!"

Lex chuckles, "I know, son. I would have brought you a cup"

Kon wrinkles his nose, "No way! You drink yours black! And you never add enough sugar to mine!"

Uncle Lex rolls his eyes, "You're lucky you aren't human, or you would have diabetes by now!"

Conner grins, raising his cup in a mock toast, "To my non-human biology!"

An hour later Damian and Clark stumble into the kitchen and get coffee. You walk over and press a kiss to Damian's cheek, "Morning, Umayri"

"Good morning, Amira"

Uncle Clark groans, "Now they have cute nicknames for each other"

"Leave them alone, Kal. You're the one who argued with Bruce just to get them back together. I don't think I've even seen Batman nervous until then"

After breakfast, Damian approaches Lex when Y/N, Kon and Kal went out for a fly. "Mr. Luthor, I would like to have a word with you"

"Of course, Mr. Wayne. What can I do for you?"

Damian clears his throat, "I would like your permission to ask Y/N on a date"

Lex leans forward, "And why are you asking me instead of Clark?"

"I already have the approval of both Clark and Connor Kent. The only one I do not have it from is you, Mr. Luthor"

"I would like you to call me Lex, Damian"

Damian nods, "Of course ... Lex."

"I will give you permission to date my niece, on one condition"

"Name it"

"I want you to treat her like she is a princess. I want you to worship her, to love her in every way she deserves. I want you to make her happy. Do you think you can do that, Damian?"

Damian grinned, "I would have her no other way, Lex. All I want is for Y/N to be happy"

"One more thing, Damian ... I want to walk Y/N down the aisle at your wedding"

Damian chuckled, "That is not my decision to make, however I will put in a good word for you"

Lex chuckles, "Yes, do that. We both know that Y/N will not be told what to do, so the decision is hers to make"

When you get back to Uncle Lex's penthouse you can hear Damian laughing. "No! That can't be THE Superman!"

Lex's laugh joined Damian, "Oh yes it is! And he didn't even know how to tie the tie, I had to do it for him!"

"I still can't believe you hit him with your car!"

Uncle Clarks' eyes widened in horror, "Oh no" he takes off, sprinting down the stairs, "Alexander Luthor! You put that book away right now!"

You and Conner glance at each other before you take off after Clark, "Don't you do it Uncle Lex! I want to see the pictures too!"

"NO!!!" Clark shouts, "How did you even get those pictures!?!"

"Martha gave them to me of course."

"Aw, no, Ma!"

Lex chuckles again, "You were such a cute kid, Clark, I don't know how you turned into what you are now"

You roll your eyes at you uncles antics. Those two fight like they really are siblings instead of enemies.

"Y/N? Will you come with me for a moment?"

You glance up from your book, "Sure, Dami" You float behind him, holding onto Damian's shoulders, letting him pull you along like he always does, "What's up?"

"I had a conversation with Lex today, Beloved."

You cock your head, "You did?"

"Yes, and he gave me his permission to do this"

Damian pulls out a ring, and goes down on one knee, "Dami ...?"

"I know we are young, and that we aren't ready to get married yet, but I love you. I love you more than I ever thought I could love a single person, and I want you to be mine. Will you promise to marry me one day, when we are ready? Will you promise that you will always be mine?"

Tears streak down your face and you nod your head frantically, "Yes, yes, Dami! Of course I will! I love you so much! Yes!"

Damian slides the black opal ring onto your finger, and stands up. You fling your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I love you, Beloved"

"And I love you, Dami. I'll love you forever"

He leans his forehead against yours, just breathing you in, relishing this moment. He runs his thumb over the ring now on your finger. They two of you stand there for who knows how long before you decide to go inside.


"Yes, Beloved"

"You get to tell Jason"

Damian groans, tugging you into one more kiss, "Of course, Beloved"

"He'll probably try to beat you up"

Damian kisses your nose and you run your fingers gently through his hair, "I would deserve it for hurting you, my love"

"Don't worry, I won't let him hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore"

"I will fight for you every day, Beloved. I will show you my love for you every day to make up for any pain that I have caused you"

"And I will forgive you every day, and every time you hurt me again. I love you"

"I love you too, Amira"


That's what I was picturing when I wrote about the Promise Ring!!

Clark's Niece - Damian Wayne x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now