Clark's Niece - Part 7

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(10 Years Later)

You wake up to the feeling of fingers gently running through your hair, slowly brushing the stray wisps away from your face.

"Stay just like that, Beloved. Do not move" A phone camera goes off, "I need to keep this, as I will not see you until tomorrow"

"We've been apart for longer, Dami, no need to get all sentimental on me"

Damian lets out a soft chuckle, pressing a kiss to your forehead, he pulls you close again, "We'll need to get up soon. Brown and Cain will be here soon to take you to the Manor"

"I know. I just need a few more minutes with you"

The two of you lay in bed, enjoying each other's company, "Did you ever think this day would come?"

Propping yourself up on Damian's chest, you flash a cheeky smile, "What day? The day Damian Wayne gets married? The press is going to be a nightmare"

Your fiancé nuzzles into your hair, "Do not worry about the press, beloved. Lex and my mother have the security detail handled. I would like to see a reporter get past Mercy"

"Me too, actually. It would be hilarious"

Twenty minutes later there's loud knocking on your front door, and Stephanie announcing her arrival. "Come on, Y/N!! You better be up and ready!!"

"I'll let them in, you get the coffee ready?"

Damian groans, but heaves himself out of bed, "Of course."

Stephanie and Cassandra hurry you through breakfast, and before you know it you're giving Damian one last kiss and being hustled into a waiting car.

"So, what the plan?"

"Well! We have to have one final fitting on your dress, check over everything at the Manor, make sure that everything is ready for tomorrow, and have the best sleep over in the world!!"

"Who's gonna be at the sleepover?"

"Me, Cas, Bab, and Diana"

You nod, "So it's a bridesmaid only sleepover"

"Yup! I called Diana, she's already at the seamstress'. She really took being your maid of honor seriously"

As you grew up, you and Diana had become closer. The Amazon princess taught you a lot about the world, about fighting, and about friendship. After Damian and Conner, you would say that Diana is your best friend.

"Good, lets hurry through the fitting so we can grab a coffee"

Cassandra lets out a soft chuckle, "More coffee?"

"Steph only let me have half a cup!! It's sacrilege!!!"

Stephanie bursts into laughter, "Fine, fine. We can all get coffee before we head back to the Manor"

"Thank you!"

Once everything is done for the day, and the five of you are all gathered in the huge nest-like cinema room, you finally manage to break away from the group and call Damian.

"Hello, Beloved"

"Hey, Dami"

"I have missed you, Amira, more than I can ever convey"

"I missed you too, but we'll see each other tomorrow"

Damian sighs, "I wish you were here now, I hate to sleep in our bed alone"

"I know you do, love, but it's only for one night. Have you practiced your vows?"

"Of course, I would not forget them because they are what I think every time I think of you"

Clark's Niece - Damian Wayne x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now