Clark's Niece - Part 2

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Part 2!! Yay!!


You let out a gasp when the Zeta tube deposits the three of you in the Batcave. "Wow! Dami, look!!"

"Yes, Beloved, I am aware of the T-Rex ... yes, the Batmobile ... of course you can ride in it later ..."

Bruce chuckles as Y/N continues to zoom around the cave, Damian walking calmly behind her, explaining things, and just making sure she doesn't get lost.

"Damian, Y/N! Come here" Damian stands in front of his father and Y/N hovers upside down, still smiling. "Damian and I need to shower and change into civilian clothes. I would like you to go upstairs, Alfred is up there, Clark should have dropped off your clothes by now"

You float down so you're on the ground again, "But, Dami ..."

"It is alright, Beloved. I will be quick. Pennyworth is a good man; he will care for you while I am preoccupied."

You nod, darting forward for a quick and fierce hug before you slowly drift up the Batcave stairs.

"Hello there, Young Miss" An older man is standing at the top of the stairs, hands behind his back.

"H-hello" you stutter, nervous around the new person. "My name is Y/N"

Alfred gave you a soft smile, "Yes, and I assume you know my name?"

"Bruce calls you Alfred, but Dami calls you Pennyworth?"

Alfred chuckled, "Yes, Master Damian refers to me by my last name, but you may call me Alfred. Your uncle has dropped off clothes for you. Would you like to change?"

You nod, reaching out to take Alfred's hand, "Thank you"

"Master Bruce's other sons are also here tonight, Miss Y/N. I hope you don't mind the company"

"Dami said he had big brothers! I already know Timmy. He's Kon's best friend!"

"Yes, I do believe that Mr. Connor will be joining us for dinner as well. It will be nice to have a full house tonight"

You change at super speed, eager to meet Damian's other two brothers and to see Kon. Alfred leads you to a huge room, it looks like Uncle Clark's living room, but it's ten times bigger. Kon is already there, talking to Timmy. There are two other men also in the room, one of them, the one with the white streak, is almost as big as Bruce, and the other one is doing some kind of weird bend over the back of the couch.


"Kon!" You zoom over, slamming into his chest, "You didn't tell me you were coming!"

He chuckled, "I didn't plan on coming, but Alfred called and invited me. He wanted everyone to meet you, and I thought it would be good for you to have some family over"

You giggle, leaning over to look at Tim, "Hi, Timmy!"

"Hello, Y/N. It's been awhile since I've seen you"

"It's been too long! Kon wouldn't let me come over, he said you were busy" you pout and drift down until you're sitting in Tim's lap.

"Come on, Tim! Don't hog the littlest Super!"

"Calm down, Dick. Y/N, I'd like you to meet Dick, the oldest, and that's Jason, he's the second oldest."

You gasp, darting over to the older men, "You're Nightwing! And – and you're Red Hood!!" You wrap Dick in a hug and then dart over to Jason, clinging to him, you lean down whispering in his ear, "You're one of my favorites"

Jason puls back, his eye brows raised, "And who's you're first favorite hero? Is it Kon? Superman?"

"Nope! It's Robin! He's my favorite!"

"That is pleasing to know, Beloved"

You whip around and shoot across the room, straight into Damian's arms. "You took too long"

"I apologize. Father and I needed to speak to one another alone."

"Was it about me?" You lean back so you can look Damian in the eye.

"Indeed it was. Nothing bad, of course."

You nod, snuggling back into Damian's chest. Glancing over at the door you make eye contact with Alfred, "When will dinner be ready?"

"It is ready whenever you are, Miss Y/N"

Dinner is great. Alfred is the best cook in the entire world, and you make him promise to teach you how to cook when you realize that no one else knows how. After dinner everyone ends up back in the living room. Kon had to leave, there was an emergency that he had to take care of. Timmy and Bruce are working on some business stuff, and you, Dick, Damian, and Jason sprawl across the couches and watch a movie. Of course they pick a scary movie, you don't really like those, but you don't want to seem like a baby so you stay quiet.

Later that night you can't sleep. All you can think about is the ghosts from the movie, and how you're all alone in this big house. You extend your hearing until you hear Damian's heartbeat, only two rooms away from yours. Unable to stay in this room any longer you scramble out of bed and run over to Damian's.

"Dami?" You knock softly, "Dami, are you awake?"

The door clicks open, "Y/N? What is wrong, Beloved?"

You sniffle and wipe your eyes, "'m scared. I-I don't wanna sleep alone"

Damian open the door the rest of the way, "Come. You may sleep with me"

You dart into the room and climb onto Damian's bed. "Sorry I'm such a scaredy cat"

Damian sighs softly, gently wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer. You rest your head on his chest, instantly soothed by his heartbeat, "You have no need to apologize, Y/N. I am the one who should apologize. I should have known that the movie and a strange environment would affect your sleep"

You curl in tighter, gripping Damian's shirt in your hand, "Thank you. Goodnight, Dami"

"Goodnight, Beloved"

Alfred walks into Damian's room the next morning and immediately turns around to walk back out and get Bruce.

"Master Bruce, I believe this is something you would like to see"

Of course the other boys can't be left out so they follow the two older men and stop outside of Damian's room. Inside is the most adorable sight that any of them had ever seen.

Damian is laying on his back with Y/N curled up practically o top of him. Both of Damian's arms are around her, and his nose is pressed into her hair. This is also the deepest sleep that anyone has ever seen him in. For once the kid looks his age.

"The kid actually looks cute, B" Jason whispered. He slowly crept closer, pulling out his phone and snapping several pictures. "I'm going to use these when they get married"

"You had better send those to everyone, Jay"

Alfred reaches out, pulling Jason by the back of his shirt out of the room and firmly, but quietly, shutting the door. "While you may send the photographs to everyone present, they will not be used against either of the children. I do not want any of you pressuring them to get married. Their relationship shall move at its own pace without interference."

Bruce cleared his throat, "Of course, Alfred. However," he grins, "I'm sending the pictures to Clark"

Alfred nods, "I can accept that."

Later that day Clark's phone buzzes, it's a picture message from Bruce. All it says is "Told you" and then the picture loads. It's a picture of Damian and his niece, curled up in bed together, sound asleep. Clark just stares in horror at the image before thudding his head on his desk. He guesses that he needs to start getting used to the idea that his niece is going to marry one of the Bats.

Clark's Niece - Damian Wayne x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now