Chapter XVIII

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This is a shortish chapter, so I'll apologize in advance. There is a bit of action and a bit or romance so I hope that makes up for it. You don't have to vote if you don't feel I earned it, but comments would be great. I want to know what people are liking and what people aren't. I know there are mistakes, but let me know if there are big ones. Thanks and enjoy!

Dedicated to a read who went through and voted for all my chapters! Thanks Alena123


Carter was hard at work tearing shreds out the pillow before her. As Brenny observed her, her mind was reeling. This situation was serious and everything needed to be timed perfectly and at any change Brenny needed to be on top of it. She motioned Kathrine and Sally to head to the door slowly. The two women nodded and crept slowly and silently toward the big door. Brenny was happy with the progress they were making, as Carter had not looked to them yet.

Brenny could hear them click open the panel. They needed to put a six digit code in and then pull the door open inwards. It was not going to be a quiet process and Brenny was ready to draw the attention from them if need be. She gave the women a swift nod and they pressed in the code quickly. With each number there was a loud beep and Brenny flinched, it had still not registered with the wolf however and she relaxed ever so slightly. The beeps was either not that loud, or Carter was trying really hard to stay distracted. The lock mechanism of the door started making loud clicking sounds and there was a clack and the door swung open. During the clicks of gears turning, Brenny saw Carter's ears twitching; the she-wolf tutor could not have been more proud. Brenny had been right, she was in control. The two women left the room as quickly as they could and they waited for Brenny but she waved them off. They shut the door and Brenny watched Carter, who had finally run out of pillows to destroy. Carter's dark green wolf eyes shifted to Brenny and Carter snarled a warning before stepping closer. The wolf shifted into her human form, and her human form looked pissed.
"I don't want any more drugs, Brenny." The girl growled, "I don't like the drugs!" The teenager approached her tutor threateningly.
"That is alright Carter! I'm not going to make you take any more injections." Brenny said calmly, lowering her eyes to the threatening she-wolf. She didn't need to challenge the adolescent's authority right now.

"Don't lie to me Brenny! You always lie to me!" Carter snarled and griped Brenny by the shirt only to throw her against the wall. Brenny groaned.

"I'm not lying to you. I'm not going to make you do anything you do want to do." Brenny promised as she rolled on to her stomach and pushed herself onto her knees.
Carter looked over her shoulder and then crossed the room to the briefcase. Brenny was definitely lying to her, so she best just destroy the drugs to be safe. Carter bent down to try and enter the new code, but she couldn't remember it. She started slamming down random numbers on the light-up buttons and then the light shut off. She was too forceful as she continued to smash the buttons, and not being able to get them to work she picked up the briefcase and launched it across the room, at the wall. Carter growled when it did nothing and leapt on it, shifting back into a wolf and mauling it. Her efforts didn't make a scratch and Carter went crazy with the need to destroy the case and howled to the roof. Brenny took it as her cue to leave and she leapt for the door, to discover that Kathrine and Sally hadn't locked it properly and it was open. She was able to slide into corridor that was the safe room.

"Tell your Beta it's time we got out of here, now!" Brenny demanded to the two women. Her hand was still on the door handle and she realise the door wasn't shutting and instead it was being dragged open.
"Brenny!" Cater snarled, as she tried to force the door open while Brenny tried to pull it shut. Both women joined the struggle and three of them were able to keep it from being ripped open more than it was already. The secondary door gears started clicking and turning and the door opened to reveal Tobias standing there looking concerned. He grabbed the first door and pulled against Carter giving the human women a perfect time gap to run up the stairs. Tobias doubted his pretty mate and the factor that his scent had been driving her harder the moment secondary door open. She ripped it open and sprung over the top of the un-expecting Tobias. She over leapt the three women and darted up the stairs. Right now Carter was only focused on getting out of the pace she currently was. Tobias barked orders at the men at their posts and people jumped into action immediately; Carter was not allowed to leave this building!

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