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I'm in the library, the most peaceful  place in the house, apart from the garden. Suddenly the door clicks  open and light footsteps sound behind me. Even before I turn I know who it is. Lucien stands behind my chair eerily staring at me.
"I was wondering where you were..." His creepy Golden eye focusses on me as he spoke. "Azriel, Cassian and Mor have gone to the Pub and I have nothing to do..." He speaks with such caution as if he had recited these words before. I have no intention to talk to him and wish for him to leave but he will stand here as long as he wills.
"Az was supposed to help me garden this evening but I guess I'll have to do it myself." I frown and immediately a growl erupts from his mouth that is quickly shut when I glare back. I am not his. I have not accepted the bond and he cannot act like I belong to him. Frustrated I turn back to the window in dismissal but Lucien doesn't move away, but closer.
"I you with the gardening.....If you don't mind..?" His eyes bore into my back eagerly waiting for the answer. I knew that he was faking his stammering but he is making me feel uncomfortable. I want to stay as far away as possible from him. I close my eyes and call out 'Az where are you.....'

The nightmares were once again chasing me, even through the day so I decided to have a good drink this afternoon. Cassian and Mor sit opposite me at the usual table also tired from the after shock of the war. Our order arrives and we drink ourselves out. A young woman comes by and pulls Cassian away, leaving only Morrigan and me. Unfortunately before I can stop my self words start pouring out - the drink already getting the best of me, "Mor, I loved you with all my heart and laid my world at your feet but what did you do?! You stood on top of it and crushed all of it. You ruined me then left me behind as if it was nothing. What did I do wrong?! Mor what did I do-
"Az you're drunk."
"No way! I'm just spilling my heart out for NO DAMN REASON!"soon after I yelled I regreted it as her next sentences broke me whole.
"Az..I'm not...... I'm... actually someone who has... interests in...girls....I don't- "
I couldn't believe it how could the cauldron be wrong? "Mor I'm so sorry for acting so stupid I should have known...." I was embarrassed and annoyed at my self for not knowing and also beacuse the shadows did not detect it.
"I'm happy that I don't have to keep it from you know." She smiled and she stood up to go home when someone kissed her. It didn't go too well because of my drunk state but then I saw that it was the bar maid - Mia. I should be happy for her but I was jealous. Mor seems the happiest in this moment. She waved me goodbye and left. I had to let her go. And so that's exactly what I did.

--2 hours later--
I had drunk myself too much out of misery and I regreted it once my head started to pound. I nearly black out when I hear a voice "Az where are you ....."
It's Elain.
She needs me I can feel something off about her. How could I feel her feelings? How did I hear her? I ignore it and try to get out of my table when the pain starts to engulf me.

A shiver runs down my back as Lucien stands right next to me. I want to run but I can't go anywhere so I am force to stand there. I try to stay calm and look out but I know that his golden eye sees right through my fear and rage. I can't escape him. His fingers suddenly brush past mine and I jump back in a fighting stance shouting for Azriel mentally "AZ WHERE EVER YOU ARE I NEED YOU RIGHT NOW!"  Lucien looks at me and says " If your hand is too heavy, I could hold it for you..."
I replied without any emotion "If your head is too heavy I could cut it off for you."

I don't know how I can feel her fear radiating off her but that sets me into action. I growl as I force my heavy head upwards and I try to stand ready to fly my way the fastest home. This is going to be a painful ride...

Lucien slowly says" I wanted you to be mine ever since I first laid eyes on you." I've never seen this side of Lucien before and this scares me alot.
"You don't own me Lucien." I spat out with disgust. In seconds his hands were on my fists holding them so hard it made my tears escape out of my eyes.
"Let go....It hurts!.....Lucien please let go....." I pleaded in pain as he gripped me harder.
"I'm never leaving you again with that filthy monster that stays with you all through the day!" He yelled at me  causing me to flinch and cry more.
"Don't you dare call him a monster! You are the monster not him, never him!" He looked hurt by my comment so I pushed further.
"I will never accept the bond and I am not meant for you as you are not to me! Stop trying to make me love you beacuse I never Will!" It was his turn to flinch as his grip on me loosened. That was all I needed to fling my hand away from his grip and slam a book on his head. He fell backwards in surprise but what happened in the next few moments were faster than ever. He gained ground and pulled me down and had my arms held down tightly so that I couldn't get out of his grip.
"You will always be mine not matter wh-" something jumped through the window and in seconds I was freed from my lock position. I looked up to see Azriel tackle Lucien to the ground and knock him out in seconds. He was panting and I immediatley knew that something was wrong with him. I was relieved that he came at the right time but when I saw the trail of blood leading to Az I jumped into a sprint towards him.
"Az! You're hurt! Your face is bleeding Az, BLEEDING! What did you do?!" Looking at his bloody face made me angry as well as conserned.
"'s nothing....I tried to fly faster than that eagle but it was just so fast!" He was clearly drunk and I had to get him cleaned up as soon as possible.
"Az, we have to go get your wounds stiched up ok?" I tried to sound not too irritated but he just looked at me with pained eyes I knew something terrible must have happened for him to have gotten this drunk but I didn't push the subject. Instead I slung one of his arms around my shoulder and lifted him off the ground. At first he stumbled a few steps then walked trying to bear most of the weight on himself than to let me carry him. He was so caring even at the hardest times. I know why I rejected Lucien and more why I wanted Az to stay with me for how many ever immortal years I had left. I don't know if he feels for me in that way, and that's what scares me the most.

Sorry for the late update!
I will update tomorrow!
Unfortunately the picture is not owned by me.

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