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"Paddle harder," I yelled at them. "We're trying," Louis screamed back. 

I huffed in frustration. It had been an hour and we were still unable to get out of this frigging swamp. 

The moonlight shone on the murky water and i saw a ghostly man with dark circles under his eyes.

Who the hell is that...


Oh right, thats me.

While i was apparently talking to myself, the other lads had fallen dangerously silent. 

"Guys... what's wrong?" I managed to say. 

Then everything happened so fast, I barely managed to process it. 

The boat rocked. I heard someone shout " JUMP ".

"W..what the-" I began. 


I felt myself being pushed into the water as the boat toppled over. I tried swimming upwards but something - or perhaps someone was pushing me down.

Mangrove roots scraped against my legs and arms and my foot got stuck in one of them. 

Can't Breathe. I need air. I tried thrusting my limbs desperately in any direction they would go. 


Can't Breathe.


'Don't Panic' I told myself. 'Just breathe'

I gulped and felt a bucket of water enter my mouth.

No. Bad Idea. Don't breathe.

I felt a hand clasp around my throat. I gasped, despite my earlier decision. 

"Nooo!!" I wanted to yell. Instead, a shitload of water entered my lungs and all that escaped from my mouth was bubbles.

Ooh, bubbles. I love bubbles... I used to-

No! Focus. You're going to die.

I tried punching this assailant but my fingers seemed to be numb, as if all the life had been drained out of them.

Can't breathe, i was reminded yet again. 








I'm giving up. No I can't die. I'm too young. What about my parents? What about my family? My friends? My fans? And what about... Her?


I gave up.

I found myself submerged deep in my own thoughts and the water as panic engulfed me and i found myself slipping into blackness.


Deep - A Zayn Malik FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now