Chapter 1

99 11 7

* 2 months earlier*


Zayn's P.O.V


"Are we there yet?"

"No. I'll tell u when we get there," Paul replied grouchily.

"Ok fine. "

A second.

"Are we there yet?" Louis questioned again.

"Would you shut up already?!" Liam shouted.

"You Shut Up!" Louis countered.

Niall began to laugh hysterically and spat all his coke on Harry.

"You Idiot," Harry hissed.

And they rambled on.

We were going to camp Jupiter in Mystic Falls (God knows where THAT is) for two months.We seriously needed a break from our hectic lives and I desperately needed to catch up on my sleep. 

Why not start now? 

And before I knew it, I was slipping into sleep.


I was falling. I don't know where from or how or why or anything..

I was just falling.....

I woke up on the floor of our van, the cool metal stinging against my warm cheek.

"We're here!" Paul sang.

God! How can someone be so cheerful after such a long drive? 

The other boys all clambered out of the white van, pushing each other and trampling everything in their path.

"Getting out or not?" Paul questioned from the front wheel.

I got out. I mean, what else was I supposed to do? 

Walking along the rough mud path, I took in my surroundings. It wasn't easy though; My eyes were still hazy from my disturbed sleep. 

It was a square shaped clearing lined with woods on all sides but one, the side with the road. The woods weren't thick. Rays of sunlight streamed through the intertwining branches. It was still daylight but the cool breeze that shifted through the atmosphere made the woods look almost... Haunted.

Seriously Zayn?

Haunted? Phhfft

Yeah right. 

I had been so busy with my own thoughts that I didn't realize that I was at the end of the path. In front of me stood a row of shabby cabins. Opposite to the cabins, there was a single cafeteria, its condition not something I would call five-star material. 

I turned around to someone calling my name.

"Hey! Zayn right?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"I'm Max. I'll be your instructor at this camp," a bald-headed guy with grey-green eyes and a shaved beard spoke.

One look at him and I knew we won't be getting along.

"Go find yourself a cabin. No special treatment for the gay boy band here," He smirked.

I balled up my fists, anger seeping through my veins but I knew better than to fight with this dick-head.

I turned around and began to walk away.

Author’s Note:

Hey, hope you guys like this chapter.Please vote and comment if you have any ideas for us.



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