Chapter 2

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*Chapter 2*

Zayn's P.O.V


I met up with the other guys near the cafeteria.

Liam spoke first, "I just found out that only three of us can stay in one cabin so umm Louis, Zayn and Harry, you guys can stay in one and Niall and I will go find another roommate. Agreed?"

We all nodded our heads in agreement except for Louis, that is.

"Fine, Mum," he said while snapping his fingers.


Niall's P.O.V


"Fine, Mum," Louis said while snapping his fingers.

I giggled but tried to stifle it when Liam glared at me.


I stepped out of our cabin, hoping to find something to eat. I passed a group of four buys (Australian, I believe. I could tell by their accents) and by the looks of it, they were obviously arguing over something.

"C'mon guys! What the hell? Why is it always me," an Asian-looking dude whined.

"Yeah, this isn't fair," another blonde guy with a lip piercing spoke.

"Ok, what about rock paper scissors?" an older-looking lad with a bandanna and a My Little Pony T-shirt suggested.

"Ashton!" the other three yelled.

"What?! I'm just saying it'll help make our decision," Ashton protested.

(a/n: Haha! Got it? No? Ok.)

The Asian guy and the blonde stopped talking when they noticed me staring at them.

The other two turned around to look at me too, as if expecting me to say something.

"Uh yeah. Sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I umm heard you guys yelling. I'm Niall by the way," I said, unsure of what to say next.

"Wait, Niall?! You mean from One Direction?!"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Dude! We're a band too," the guy with purple hair told me." We're not that great," he added.

"Wow! Well, we should hang out sometime. What's your band name?"

"Uh.. We don't have one," the Blonde mumbled.

"Oh. So what's going on. Why were you guys arguing?"

"Well Niall, I'm Calum and these friends of mine.." the asian said, making air quotes, "want to kick me out of the cabin. As usual. Only Luke here is on my side," he pointed to the blonde guy.

Luke smiled at him.

Then they began speaking all at once.

"That is not true" "Is too" "Is not" "You guys always team up against me" "Why can't we co-operate?" "I hate you" "No. I hate you." "I hate all of you" "I like ponies" "What the hell Ashton" " Just saying" "You should stop talking"

"SHUT UP," I yelled.

Wow. Niall Horan. Authority. Oh my God. Liam's rubbing off on me.

"Listen guys, me and my friend are looking for a roommate too. One of you could come with us," I explained.

"I'll go!" Calum shouted, picking up his bags already.

"Umm... Yeah, fine. Let's go."


Liam's P.O.V


"Ok so Niall I'm gonna take this bed over here and could you help me move this drawer to the side... Niall?" I turned around to find myself alone in the room.

Great. Just great. I've been left to do all the work by myself... Again.


I had finished unpacking all my stuff and was about halfway through Niall's.

Yeah. We go through each other's stuff. After practically living together for the past - years, we got nothing to hide.

I was taking out Niall's bunch of white T-shirts when I heard laughter from outside.

Niall entered with an Asian-looking dude.

"Heyy!!" Niall said. "This is Liam," he told the Asian dude."And Liam, this is Calum. He'll be our new roommate. He's a reaally fun guy."

Calum waved at me. He seemed like a nice guy.

"Oh good. Well Calum, this bed right here is taken and Niall, I unpacked most of your stuff. So the shoes go over to that side near the door. You guys should start making your beds and then we can leave for a bit of a snack. Also, I need help moving this drawer," I explained, Daddy Direction taking over me.


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