Another life -Fallen and forgotten

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Author's notes:

To every person who will read this book; thank you for choosing to spend time on my story.

So like they say behind every book there's a story and here's mine:

It all started two years ago when I had an English homework and we were supposed to write a short fantasy story and I came up with this plot but the more time I spent writing it the more I started enjoying writing. Therefore I decided to develop the plot and write it as a story.

Yes it was that simple but it took me two years to finish the whole thing including editing and busy lunch-breaks at school, but I'm satisfied happy with the results. However, I'm thinking about developing it in the future. I hope you will enjoy reading it like I enjoyed writing it! 

With love, 


 Fallen and forgotten

Never in my whole existence have I imagined that I will go through this experience.

Seems like falling from grace wasn't really that hard.

I keep thinking of the things that I did up there, the things that were against the cause of my existence, how can I return with all of what happened, all that I did. Funny thing is... This is what I'm thinking about while my body is being torn to shreds by the wind.

I've made my decision and I know that I did the right thing for me. How can I live among these souls that think happiness and doing the right thing all the time is the key to everything?  They are delusional and do not know the real world we're living in.

I feel the urge to feel things, to be able to feel emotions, not just the happy ones. I need to feel free, to have the freedom to get angry or upset, to be emotional and channeling these emotions through breaking things - plus points if I can break some bones, just like the way humans do when they're upset or angry...yes! Violence. The sweet emotion that I need to feel, how the heart starts racing, hands starts to shake and the urge to hit or break someone, oh! Violence, the sweet action that makes one feel truly alive.

Yes, I want freedom, the freedom to think and to feel however I want! But I could never accomplish my desires while living among them. Those delusional bastards that waste their entire existence trying to save the human race; those who kill their own flesh and blood. I'm tired of saving humans, they don't deserve saving. Humankind is designed to hate, to kill each other, to be foolish... So how come WE have to save them, I mean there is no meaning in doing that because, in the end, they'll return to being dumb and kill each other anyway so why bother?

Oh, the irony... I want to have their freedom, desire and to be able to feel like them although I despise them the way I despise the man upstairs. 

It's weird that while the clouds are going through me (or quite the opposite), and while I'm falling from the place that I once called home, I keep remembering a quote from the movie Gabriel. My niece begged me to watch it with her and I was quite surprised how humans managed to make some parts that were real and did happen in my world, or my old world to be specific. It's only one phrase that keeps going on and on in my mind. 

"Falling is the last thing an angel feels, a distant voice still echoes inside my head, but for the first time, it is my own. "

It's funny how I think it's all illusions but I can't stop thinking about it, maybe because I'm doing now the exact thing that was being talked about... falling. It's a nice feeling though, I'm quite enjoying this free fall although I'm wishing that it won't end with my bones shattering into million pieces.  My ending is near, I feel nothing, exactly nothing, numb. But it's still better than pain.

Here we go, I can now see how the earth is narrowing and welcoming me with opened arms, it's strange because I never thought I would be welcomed to it. But just like I said, this planet is all about death; it welcomes you with a knife in its hands and a smile on its face.

Don't know what to do, am I supposed to close my eyes or something like that? Oh well, let's try that. Goodbye world, I've never enjoyed living in you anyway.

Oh, this feels nice, nothing but darkness.

Am I dead? I felt nothing, not even the heat or the smell of my flesh burning. Can I open my eyes? I want to see what big brother Lucifer looks like.

"Well, well. What a coincidence" a not so strange voice came from what looks like near where I was laying. 

"Lucifer?Um.. Mr. Satan?" I called, with my eyes still shut.

"No, that old guy is busy working so he sent me instead" said the voice in a mocking way. 

I opened my eyes and there he was, the creature who caused all of this. Balthazar stood with its usual pride, trying to look soft and caring, but can't hide its pure evil.

"Well I was hoping that I would die and see Satan, but it's kind of the same thing, me standing here with you, we only need some flames and you need your pitchfork and we're all done"

It laughed the ugliest laugh I've ever heard "Oh Samuel! I never get tired of your lovely humor, but we don't have time for fooling around, we have a business to attend. You might as well thank me for saving your life, you are, of course, aware that you cannot fly without your wings right? I thought you knew considering that big cut on your back and all that disgusting blood gushing from it. But who am I but a creature who does not know anything about heavenly creatures and their anatomy".

His arrogance still steps on every single nerve that I have but I'm not in the mood for his mockery. So I answered; "Well I wasn't flying, obviously!" I pointed on my shoulders. They threw me out the minute they found out what I was going to do" with a shudder, I remembered the feeling of my wings being cut from my shoulders, and the blade separated me from the only heavenly thing that I cared about. It was the worst kind of pain that I felt since the beginning of my existence.

"Sorry to hear that" Balthazare said though i knew he meant the opposite.

"No you're not, you enjoy the sight of tormented souls," I said as I started pulling myself together and tried to get up. "And I'll never thank you for doing what you did, you would never let me die anyway, you need me. Remember?" a smile started showing on my face.

"Ah! Fallen angels, they're such a pain in the bottom" Balthazar said as he threw his hands in the air.

"It's called pain in the ASS" now I'm getting really irritated with this uneducated creature.

"Whatever" it opened its left hand and pointed it to some latter that was made of steel. Now when I stopped gazing at Balthazar, I started noticing the moist air that was surrounding me. The darkness of the night was laying its black shadows against the gray ally. The only color that was there was the green dumpster that was on the other side of the latter, and I also noticed a tunnel that was leading to some sort of an underground door. "Shall we?" Balthazar said.

"Before I step into the dark world, I want you to confirm your promise to me, that after I help you, you will make me human and leave me alone". It's important to note that I hated being angel more that I hate humans so it's worth the shot. 

"You do have a sharp memory" he said with a smirk on his face.

"Well?" I asked, but deep down I knew I couldn't trust it, the dark creatures never hold a promise, but it's way better than me dead, or me living up there.

"I cross my heart, and hope to die... well if I'm able to die in the long distant future," Balthazar said, its voice full of sarcasm.

"I doubt you have any heart, it's just a black hole in there sucking on every living thing's soul" I said as I stepped to the next part of my existence, the part where I betray my own family, my own blood. All of this only to become a part of the society that I hate the most, to live with filthy creatures and to follow their washed up rules. Creatures who are so filthy that makes my guts turn around, humans. 

Another life -Fallen and forgottenWhere stories live. Discover now