*Authors Note: I'm Sorry*

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Why, hello.

I realize that it has been a very  long time. Over a year to be exact.

And I would like to say that I have a better excuse for dropping off better than simply saying that I am working, or that my laptop has gone to shit (which in reality, is most likely my fault for not updating my antivirus), but I don't.

Yes, it is 100% true that I 1) Have been working, and 2) My laptop has gone to shit (currently working off of my little sisters school laptop), but other than that I have no other real reason other than the fact that I have simply had writers block.

I completely lost all vision of where exactly I wanted to take this work for a long time. But, finally, I have gotten some clarity - for writing in general.

I will most Definitely  be updating many of my stories very soon, including this one. I can't give any order just yet, but keep your eyes open, cause an update will be coming soon!

But the last thing that I would like to say to you all is Thank You!

Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this long hiatus. I don't ever intend to do it again. You guys give me so much inspiration, not just in writing, but in my everyday life. I can easily say that without you guys, some days, I wouldn't have had anything to look ahead to. So thank you, and I love you.

I'll see you all again soon.  

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