2. Well Aren't You Just A Sexy Ball of Sunshine

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I sat in the backseat of the town car with a scowl on my face. My dad, however, sat across from me with a smug smirk. I glared at him and he just rolled his eyes, "Oh, don't give me that look, Rory. You'll thank me for this later," he said matter-of-factly.

I narrowed my eyes, "Yes, that's totally going to happen. Just like I am going to wake up tomorrow morning and sprout a penis," I snapped and my dad just laughed at me, shaking his head.

Within a few minutes, the car came to a stop in front of large iron gates similar to ours. Our driver spoke to the guard and the gates opened for us, leading up to a large house with formidable but beautiful white columns and a black Benz parked in the front. As the car came to a stop, the doors the the house swung open. I immediately recognized the man from a couple of weeks ago that I nearly ran over in my haste to get to the track.

My dad got out of the car and I followed his lead, standing beside him as he embraced his friend. "Everett! Nice to see you again, and you must be the lovely Aurora! I'm Ryan Steel, my son Ryland is just inside," he said, gesturing towards the door.

"Shall we," my dad asked, offering me his arm. I glared at him and stomped ahead following Mr. Steel.

When we walked through the doors, I glanced around the large room in awe. The ceilings were high and seemed to go up forever, the walls were a light cream and the furniture was themed in warm browns and earth tones. It was a perfect mix of homey and classy, a mix many attempted but couldn't quite pull off, so the fact that they did, made me smile.

Mr. Steel led us down a corridor to the left of what I assumed to be the family room, and to a large set of wooden doors. He opened them and ushered us inside with a wave of his hand. As I walked inside - what I'm going to assume is - the den, my attention is immediately drawn to two separate things: the Foosball table and the tall, imposing figure that stood with his back to me.

"-well tell him that I am in a meeting," he yells, causing Mr. Steel to clear his throat, loudly. The man turned around and glanced at me. "This won't take long." He hung the phone up immediately and I scowled.

"Aurora, this is my son Ryland. Ryland, this is Aurora Burke."

Ryland didn't make a move, just let his eyes roll over me; appraising me. Finally, he took a step forward and paused, he reached into his pocket and then held his hand out to me. I opened my hand, palm facing up as he dropped a large diamond ring into my palm.

My mouth dropped open and I could see from the corner of my eye, Ryan Steel and my dads happy smirks at my reaction. Well, hate to burst your bubble...

"Hell fucking no!" I threw the ring back at Ryland.

"No," he asked, half shocked and half pissed.

"So now you speak."

"What the fuck do you mean, No?" Well aren't you just a sexy ball of sunshine. Note the sarcasm.

Before I could respond, my dad jumps in between us. "You have no choice. You're marrying him, Rory and that's final."

"You can't fucking make me, dad!"

"Yes I can. You read the contract, Aurora. This conversation is done," he said, picking the ring up off of the floor. "Now you're going to wear this ring. You are going to be living at his home as well, so this is goodbye."

My eyes widened, "Dad, you can't be serious! What about all of my things?"

"They were delivered earlier," Ryland interjected, looking at me coldly.

I shot daggers at him, narrowing my eyes. "Fuck you."

"No thanks, sweetheart," he said arrogantly, glaring right back at me.

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