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Hello readers! This is my first wattpad novel so please bear with me, I'm going to try to get a

chapter a day up for you all. This is 5 seconds of summer themed,

so I'm really excited to get

going with this book. Thank you for reading c:

Life is like a box of chocolates - and I think we can symbolize chocolates as people.

If you get too much of a certain person, they begin to become incredibly unappealing,

Yet there is always one particular chocolate that you could just eat all day

- as long as you're topped up with a drink you never get fed up of this particular chocolate, for me it would probably be the Strawberry Creme.

Maybe thats not what Forest Gumps mum meant when she said 'Life is a box of chocolates' but she didn't define what she meant, so I think if we like the quote, then we can interpret it the way we like.

My name is Eden, I was never really interested in as to why my parents decided that their first child

should be named after a biblical place, they're athiest - as I've been told by Dee at least.

I never really got to know my birth givers, I prefer calling them that because thats how I see them, Its an expression I don't have to tie an personal relationship to.

Dee says they were good people. I know she only says that because of her relationship with them.

If they were so good then why did they give up their 2 only kids to a travelling gypsy family?

I suppose being a victim or their emotional abortion to us I have the right to be a messed up and

angry person, but I'm not really. I am angry but I'm also grateful to them.

I couldn't see a life without Dee, Rick, Flo and Jasper, as far as I'm concerned they are my family, just like my biological brother, Kai.

Kai is my twin, both biologically and emotionaly, he just understands me. We have the same greenish/hazel eye color, same tanned skin with freckles sprayed on our nose, except he has the benefit of being a foot taller than me.

We do both have a honey blonde hair color, but I dyed mine a chocolate brown when I was 14,

it's been the same since.

As much as I loathe my parents for what they did to us, Dee has been an amazing guardian.

She doesn't really let us call 'Mother' she thinks of herself more of an aunt. She grew up with my father after his aboriginal tribe abandoned him, I must admit as much as I can't stand the idea of them, when Dee talks about them I can't help but find it interesting.

Apparently my father was the same as Kai and I; his mother was English just like ours.

But once she gave birth, his father demanded to take the child, and thats what happened to my father - except his father was abusive and so he ran away and met Dee and Rick and their mother on the road and they took him in.

Once they had me and Kai, my parents fled back to England without us - well at least thats what Dee says happened.

Usually when I am introduced or viewed as a traveller, I'm already seen in a strange light, when

people think of travellers they usually think of 'My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding' .

We are slightly more civilized then that. we have money that we work for, and we're respectful.

Jaspar earns a lot of it though, he's a model, a very attractive one in fact his hazel green eyes, dark skin and short brown curls highlighted bleach, and his muscular physique...

You could say I was attracted to him by the way I described him, but I'm not, Jaspar is the same age as Kai and I and I don't think I could ever think of him in an intimate way, he's like my brother.

Being with him would be like being with Kai; incestuos and just plain wrong. Rick also earns some money for the family, he's an author, he's only published 2 books but every now and then he can take us out for a meal after a few sales.

But thats not the point. The point is our little family are classy travellers, so classy in fact are we even travellers? I tend to think sometimes, we have a home in sydney where we spend almost half the year there, the other half is spent travelling around the country.

After being discovered by my agent singing sweet child of mine in a public showers stall in brisbane last week, I don't think I'm going to be a traveller for much longer by the looks of things.

Since I can remember we've been travelling, but we live respectively. Growing up I've witnessed the

harder side of everything. There were nights where it was so cold not even 10 blankets could keep

us warm, but there has also been so pretty memoriable times, our laberdoodle 'lemon' falling

asleep on my lap in front of the cackling bomfire as we sing old lullabys. All 6 of us travelling

Australia, exploring. We don't do it because we have to, we do it because we want to.

It's made me who I am today. I never thought it would change, but now i'm known, and recognised as a person of society, people are going to start noticing me Whether I like it or not, I'm going to be famous pretty soon, and this is just the sweet beginning.


"Ede, will you ever hurry up! You're wasting all the hot water!", Flo moans, patting on the small cubicle door. , "One sec!" I pat my hand along the top of the cubicle, i've got water in my eyes so I can't see.

The empty spaces of the cublicle rim indicates someone has stolen my towel, yet again.

"Towel is gone again" I moan, this is the 2nd time this week someone has stolen my towel, last time I wasn't as lucky and I ended up asking some sweaty american jogging by for his.

I could here Flo's faint giggles, I knew well she would of loved to see me streak across to our blanket. "You do realize the only thing between us is an inch of plasterscine and I can hear you very clearly" I growl, but Flo was gone, I could hear her feet patting the sand away from me,

Flo was 25, I was 17. You could swear she was a child though, she's got that childs classic sense

humor thats rare now adays, I'm just glad we still some alive today, its hard to get a giggle from a child today without them detatching their faces from devices now adays.

"There should really be a sign on the door that warns people to not steal towels" I hear Dee's voice

from the distance. "Dee!" I screeched, the water was cold now, and Flo is going to be pissed.

A purple Justin Bieber towel is thrown over, I grab it quickly before it gets wet too,

"oh come on!" I moan as I wrap the child popstars face around my body. It was my last day in Brisbane, but it was also my first proper interview with my agent in a few hours, it feels as though some red head middle aged woman is defining my future now, I know anyone would dive for the chance, but singing and guitar has always been a hobby rather than dream, I should be grateful, but I just don't feel it.

5 Seconds of EdenWhere stories live. Discover now