the meeting

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The booming of the alarms siren woke me up, it was the second time I had pressed snooze this morning but the first time I had set an alarm all year.

I am a lot of things, but one thing I am not is a morning person - not even in summer,

My grouchiness goes on until around 1, then my sanity tends to return.

It was my second meeting with my agent, Felicity Van der Logt, an English-Dutch woman living in Australia 9 years now. Felicity is sweet, she is humerus but the woman is very stern and articulate - and what she says goes.

She is the one who had discovered me singing in the showers, after asking me questions like my age, talents and some background detail.

"I like you, Eden. Therefore I demand you call the number on this card as soon as you possibly can" I examined the cream card, once I looked up, the long red main of hair was half way up the cobble steps.

That was the first time I had met Felicity Van der Logt, my agent.

It took me a week until I told Dee and Rick about it,

I had a choice of being grounded, and we all knew they had no idea or concept of the term,

Or go to the meeting, although I had pitied yet envied those in the spotlight I had always wanted to get a glimpse of what it's like.

Flo surprisingly wouldn't help me get ready, she would usually insist to do so for anything else but the one time I wanted to help me out she wouldn't,

"You're the one making the impression Ede, not me" after she said that I gave up. As much as I had hated her for saying that, she was right, I was the one making the impression and it was my duty to look good.

"I knew you could do it, hun" she smiled at me as though I was a baby just learning to walk.

I wore light washed skinny ripped jeans,a baby blue pair of beach wedges, and a white lace sleeveless top with a baby yellow collar. I was all in pastels not my usual style, but today it was, the pastels reflected well against my tanned skin, my hair tumbled down mid back and some eyeliner and mascara with a touch of concealer I had avoided look like a 10 year old zombie, the struggle is real.

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"What do you think she meant when he said she had a surprise?" I bit my lip glancing at Rick and back at the clock, reminiscing yesterday's phone call. "That she has a surprise" rick chuckled softly back, he was one of the only people in the world who could ease my tension even in a time like this. I wanted Rick to be with me for this meeting, he was good at decisions and good with people and as well as that his presence kept me calm.

"Eden Porbello" the receptionist called motioning towards the reception desk, raising my eyebrow I tried to walk calmly to the desk, "Felicity has just told us she will be running a few minutes late, she told her to meet your surprise in room 2019 and your guardian can join you once she arrives" the small blonde receptionist smiled we though she was excited too, "You, my friend are lucky" she whispered grinning softly at me, grinning back, I flashed her a confused smile before speed walking over to Rick to explain the situation, giving me a comforting smile, I was off to find room 2019, accidentally opening room 2018 I walked in on two 5 year old blonde twins growling at each other whilst some woman with ginger hair laughed at them, "wrong room" I whispered, stepping out and walking into the correct room instead, I stopped once the back of 4 guys turned around to stare at me, shooting a bewildered look at them I sat down to the only spare seat other than Felicity's, beside the wall facing them. None of these guys looked familiar, but my strongest guess is that they are some kind of band, after a minute of an awkward silence I gave an awkward smile, "Hi, I'm Eden" I said. "You must be my surprise!" I said enthusiastically, maybe a little too enthusiastic. "I'm Ashton" a guy with sandy blonde hair and hazel eyes grinned at me, Then they all smiled at me, I squinted my eyes trying to avoid a goofy smile, these guys were hot, and I felt like a garden gnome standing in a crowd of pretty roses.

'Why were they being so awkward?' I thought as a flashed a friendly smile back.

"I like being referred to as a surprise" a dark haired boy laughed, following the others to laugh along,

"I'm sorry I don't really know who you guys are, except Ashton of course" I said a little embarrassed, " when it comes to newish music my knowledge lives up until around 2010 and even then my knowledge is a little rocky" I laughed off the embarrassment, "so may you pretty please introduce yourselves?" I felt like a complete idiot right there in that moment, I can't believe I had just asked a seemingly popular boy band what their name was, a tallish boy with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes met mine, he looked away quickly, "I'm-" a tall guy with green hair was about to introduce himself before Felicities bursting in through the door, Rick trailing awkwardly behind her, "my apologies I'm late" she apologies in her soft London accent, rushing over to her desk and sitting down turning on her computer. Rick stood awkwardly in the corner, I was about to offer him my seat before the blonde boy I met eyes with earlier stood up offering him his seat, Rick was a selfless man but he was also a man with a bad leg, I knew he felt bad accepting the boys seat but I smiled when he did. "I hope you liked my surprise, miss Eden?" She asked before glancing back at her computer. "Yes, thankyou so much" I lied.

"5 seconds of Summer, Eden.

Eden, Ashton Michael Luke and Calum" she muttered, not even looking at us, her blue eyes glued to her computer.

"This is my father, Rick" I introduced Rick, "I wasn't aware he was your-" I cut in "You get what I mean" I said lowering my voice a little. Felicity nodded in reponse, changing the subject almost immediatly, "I have been looking for somewhere to start with you, Eden, this offer stands only right now because I've two other clients looking for something but you are going far and I think this will be a suitable beginning" the boys all grinned as though they had just been complimented. "I have a place on the opening act in 5 seconds of summers national tour and I would like you to take it" I felt like screaming but I contained myself, "That would be perfect" Rick cut in, I shot him a surprised glance, "as long as there are other female acts of course" he said glancing over at the boys, "Rose Shenæ will be the closing act" I smiled, breathing a sigh of relief. Her name has a nice ring to it, hopefully her personality will too.

After reading out the concert dates a bewildered look crossed my face, causing Michael to laugh, "don't worry, it will almost fly by" he gave me a look of hope, which I returned.

Maybe he was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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