{006} The Plan Is Underway...Kind Of

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Finn's P.O.V
I slowly pushed the door open trying to not make a sound. I gestured for the girls to go out first because that was part of the plan.

Sophia's P.O.V
Sadie, Millie and I all went out of the room and walked around like normal. "Boys?!" We shouted "Where are you?!" Sadie shouted.

We got the doctors attention and walked down the hallway where the boys were. We acted like we had no idea where they were. We were still 'shouting' for them until the doctors came to us. " Thank god your here, we haven't seen the boys or (Y/N) all day! Do you know where they are?" I asked them and Dr. Skarsgård replied "You're not with them? I could have swore I saw you with them before!" Which made us all rapidly shake out heads. "Well we don't know where the boys are but we can bring you to (Y/N) if you want!" Dr. Dyer stated. "Why? Where is she? What happened to her?!" Sadie shouted at them. "Well, we had a, a misunderstanding, if you will, with her and the boys and something happened so we took her, but don't worry she is safe and well!" Dr. Ryder told us.


"Ok well can we see her?" Millie asked. "Umm, sure." Dr. Ryder said as we started walking and the person on the inside stayed behind and said "I'll stay here in case they come out!" And we winked at them.

Finn's P.O.V
The door started to open. It made us nervous just incase it wasn't one of the girls or the person on the inside. As the door creaked open we all stayed silent. It finally opened enough for us to see who was there and it turns out it was the person on the inside...the one, the only, Dr. Skarsgård! (Who ever guessed it was him, Well Done! Here is a high five *high fives*, if not, you don't get a high five)

We all sighed in relief. "Thank god it's you! Is it time to go save her?!" I said worried incase he said we couldn't. "Well, you can but I need to tell you a few things you might not be happy about." He said which made me worry "WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!" I shouted in his face "She has changed a lot. I'm not saying we have turned her human because we haven't, we have just made it so she has forgotten a few things. Like feelings and the umm, the kiss you and her shared." He stated "WHAT?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" I asked and he said " it's because she was almost fully human! She can't leave her because she has bipolar disorder but it is really bad. We have seen her kill a person with one hit. She once pulled someone's heart out without even trying! She is crazy, some may even insane! If she becomes fully human then she will have to leave her and she can't because she could do anything to anyone!" He told us and we were all shocked. "W...well, will she, you know, remember us?" Wyatt asked "ye, she will, she just won't remember some of the memories with you."

We stayed stood in silence until I had had enough. I broke the door down and went to search for her. Screw the stupid plan, screw her bipolar disorder, screw the doctors. Right now, all I needed was (Y/N). I saw red, how dare they do that to her! She deserves a life, she deserves to remember what has happened to her! I soon saw the other 3 doctors and the girls. They doctors looked at me but was to scared to speak, the girls were confuse to why I wasn't going along with the plan. I pushed passed them, slipped a note into Sophia's pocket and then went into a room to see (Y/N) lying there, connected to a machine. She looked less human than ever!

(Y/N)- Robot:100% Human:ERROR-399 Changing:ERROR-399
(Y/N).exe unable to change; (Y/N).exe unable to become human unless 25381539.02:e.e.x.e.e occurs.

What the hell is '25381539.02:e.e.x.e.e'?! What are they doing to her?!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I head beeping, footsteps, heavy breathing and muttering. I couldn't make out what the voice was saying but I recognised it. I slowly opened my eyes to see a familiar person pacing around the room "Finn?!" I said happily. His head shot up to look at me as he stopped pacing around. "(Y/N)?!" He came up to me and hugged me tightly. "Finn, they tried to erase my memory, but it didn't work! I remember everything!" I told him and he looked so happy as he asked "So you remember the kiss we shared?"
"Of course I do! It was the best thing that happened to me!" I replied with a smile. He then looked at me confused "but the machine, it says that!" He pointed to the machine "oh, I did that, I am able to change it because I too am a machine. Look, I will put it back to normal." I told him as I relaxed, which let it turn to the actual reading.
(Y/N)-Robot:40% Human:55% Changing:5%

He checked his and it said
Finn-Robot:35% Human:60% Changing:5%
We smiled and put our foreheads together. He move away slightly and frowned a little bit. "What's wrong?" I asked him and he replied "oh it's just...I just, I feel something towards you that I have never felt before and I know this feeling. I need to tell you something but I'm scared you won't feel the same." He seemed scared. I put my hand on his cheek and whispered to him "If you say it first I will say it after." And smiled "(Y/N), I...I love you!" He said and not even a second later I said "I love you too Finn!" Which made him give a toothy grin and much like the first one, we shared a delightful kiss. However this one was more passionate.

Sophia's P.O.V
What on earth was wrong with Finn?! Why is he not going along with the plan?! What is he doing, he just went into (Y/N)'s room. "HE CAN'T GO IN THERE!" Screamed Dr. Ryder as we heard the door get locked.

We were dragged around for ages trying to look for thing to unlock the door but us three robots were trying our best to not get them any closer to opening the door.

When they found the right stuff to open the door they started to do it. I got a bit scared because of what they might do to Finn and (Y/N). I didn't want to loose them.

Finn's P.O.V
That kiss was better than the first one we shared! I can't explain it but I loved it...I love her!

The door started to become unlocked and we got scared.

Sophia's P.O.V
The door was now unlocked and they opened it to reveal that the room was empty. We looked to the side of us where a breeze was coming from, only to see a chunk of wall missing leading to the outside world. I smirked realising that they must have broken free and put my hands in my pockets. I pulled out a note to read it. It said:

'To Sophia,
                Get the boys and get out of there through the window or the hole we made. We can all have better lives! Just make sure nobody sees this note!
                            Finn :)'

"Let's go girls!" I whispered to them as we set off to get the other boys.

(MY WRITERS BLOCK IS GONE! Finally! However, whilst I'm writing this, I don't have internet so I'm probably gonna write another chapter. IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK!! K bye 😘 *mwah*)

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