{009} Control

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Trigger Warning~Violence and swearing

(Y/N)'s POV

My eyes slowly start to flutter open. I noticed that Finn and I weren't cuddling anymore so I reached my hand out to the other side of the bed and felt nothing but a piece of paper. I pulled it closer to my face to read it.

'Your precious boyfriend is with us. If you want to keep him safe, you and all of your friends better come here or else bad things are gonna start happening to him. You have until 10PM tonight, if not, just know that it's your fault he is getting hurt. And just remember, you are mostly human now so you won't last forever, you do get hurt.~ANON'

I turned it over and it had the address '29 Neibolt Street' (Sorry)

"That's it!? No more information!? What the F-" I was interrupted by Chosen "What's that?" He walked into the room and sat down next to me, took it off me and read it.

He didn't say anything, he just stood up and walked out with the paper.

I stood up, got dressed and went down stairs. I needed to go help him so that is what I'm doing. As I put my hand on the door handle, I heard someone start talking "You can't go-" "I need to! Finn saved me so now I need to save him." I shouted

"Fine go," Chosen started "But I'm not letting you go on your own" He walked towards me and stood next to me. Sophia then joined, then Jack, Jaeden, Sadie, Caleb, Noah and so on. Soon enough we were all stood by the door. All except Wyatt. We all looked at him but he just stood there with his arms crossed.

I walked towards him and held his hands. As I was doing this, he tensed up. "Come on Wy. We need you!" I told him as he looked into my eyes. He still didn't want to do it. "You don't have to do it for Finn, do it for me, please?"

He eventually gave in and came with us. We soon all left to find Finn.

When we got there, it turned out to be a castle. There were security guards, I'm guessing they know we were coming because they let us in. We were then guided by a woman in all black, she seemed like a woman you wouldn't wanna mess with, her long brown hair came to her waist. She was at least 6ft which was intimidating. Make me feel really small. When we got to the room, there was music in the background, it was almost opera but a lot creepier.

There was an old man sitting on a throne about 20 feet away from us.

"Come forth!" Was echoed throughout the room by the old man. We all started to walk forward and we felt eyes burning into us as we did so.

"(Y/n), we wanna make you our queen." The old man said "I don't give two shits what you want, where is Finn?!" He then shook his head and said "You probably shouldn't be so mean. Or" he gestured for someone to bring something in "this might happen again" the woman from before brought Finn in. The sight made me wanna throw up. There was a dim light from the candles that was illuminating his face infested with cuts a bruises.

"What the f" Chosen started but I interrupted "You told me you wasn't going to hurt him you lying bastard!" I screamed. I was about to attack him but I was held back by Caleb and Chosen.

The old man then got off of the throne and walked towards me. Now I looked closer he only looked about 40. He then grabbed my face and hard "You should probably keep your pretty mouth shut!"

"Don't grab her like that!" Finn shouted, earning him a kick to the stomach making me feel like my heart was in my throat. I could've take it anymore, I saw red. I then kicked the guy in the nuts and ran over to the woman holding Finn. Some people tried coming after me but the others took care of them. She threw Finn to the side and charged at me. I didn't feel scared one bit because for him.

I would risk it all for Finn.

As soon as she tried attacking me, it was almost as if I had ultra instinct or something. She threw a punch but I dodged it, she tried to kick but I grabbed her leg and twisted it causing her to spin around and fall on her face. I then started beating the woman up until she was weak. She cowered in a corner as I was stood over her. "How does it feel to be the one that's being towered over?" She didn't answer. Suddenly a small kid came up to me and cried out "Please stop, you're scaring me!"  I looked down at the kid and said "I can't help this awful energy." I then looked down at the woman and she looked petrified. Something took over me again and I evilly said "Goddamn right you should be scared of me!" I then chuckled and kicked her in the face. I think I may have killed her. I turned to look at the kid again "Who is in control?" I asked. She then pointed her little hand to the guy who I kicked earlier. He was being pinned down by Finn and the others were surrounding him. I walked over to them and looked down at his face that was illuminated by the dim lighting. He was at deaths door. There was a loud bang, almost a door slam but 10 times louder. Then there were sounds of chains and shackles. The old man started to laugh. "Why are you laughing?" Noah asked. "You're in trouble now!" He then continued to chuckle. I looked at the direction the noise came from. There was a huge guy there covered in chains and shackles and he was surrounded by a bunch of creatures, not humans, not animals, not anything I had ever seen before. They were things nightmares were made of. We all started to run, not knowing what way to go. The hallways echoed and groaned as we sprinted down them, hoping we were going the right way. "I knew we shouldn't have come!" Wyatt screamed.

As I carried on running I soon realised that there were no longer foot steps behind me. Crap. I also reached a dead end. As soon as I was about to turn back I heard an inhuman shriek. It was too late, I was surrounded, no way out.

And then...

(FINALLY! I hope you enjoyed it. I'm gonna end this book on chapter 011 but it isn't gonna end in a way you expect, at all!)

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