I Wanna Hold Your Hand So Tight

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~Mikes P.o.V~

We headed toward our first concert, and Vic fiddled with his guitar , while Jaime texted someone, and Tony sat staring at the ground. I watched Tony close, trying to read his expression. I sat beside him and smiled . "Hey Tony!" I said.

I could've sworn I saw his face light up , but no. He didn't like me like that. No. He doesn't.

"Hey Mike." He smiled a big, toothy smile. I chuckled , then I realized the only reason I actually came over there. "You okay..?" I asked. He looked back down at the ground and back up.

"Im.... feeling great!" He said. "You sure?" I said. "Definitley!" He said.

A couple hours we arrived to hundreds of screaming fans, waiting for us. Vic held Jaimes hand, Jaime held mine, and I held Tonys. Its something we all do before we walk into a concert. We walked into our dressing room and saw one of our bestest band mates waiting for us, Sleeping With Sirens.

"Vic! Tony! Mike! Jaime!" They all shouted. Kellin Quinn , singer, stood up and gave me, Jaime, and Tony a hug. When, he came to Vic, he kissed him senseless. "C'mon ! Get a room!" Jaime said. Kellin and Vic have been together for a while now. I can't help but notice that Jaime seems a little jealous.. like he wants to keep Vic to himself.

Gabe Barham , drummer walked up to me and grabbed me in a tight embrace . "Mike , my man! How've you been?" He said . "Great" I smiled.

Jack Fowler, guitarist, like Tony.. ugh no I have to stop. But Jack hugged me tight and smiled.

Justin Hills, bassist, really shy guy, ALSO LIKE TONY, hugged me shyly and smirked.

"Pierce The Veil to stage. Pierce The Veil to stage." The intercom announced.


"WHOOOO!" Jaime whooped out the door.

Tony smiled and walked out after Jaime. Then Vic. "Good luck, guys!" Gabe said cheerfully.

I smiled and walked out the door.

And screaming fans saluted us .

in the eyes of a stranger: perrentesWhere stories live. Discover now