You Slide Into Bed While I Get Drunk

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~Tonys P.o.V~

I woke up, startled. I'm in the hospital. Why?

I looked to my right and saw a tall tattooed man standing there. His eyes seemed to light up when I looked at him. I was confused. Two others came to him and stood beside him, one with spiky, dark hair, and another with brown, shoulder length locks. "Tony!" said the first guy I saw. 

I was Tony, but who was he? 

~Mikes P.o.V~

I saw Tony wake up, and all my stress was turned around. I was so happy to see him awake. I got up, I wanted to kiss him so badly. I pressed my lips to his, and he pushed me away. "Dude!" Tony said, looking at me in horror and disgust. "Who the hell are you?" Tony said, his eyes wide and his voice filled with panic. Tony got up and left the room. No. This can't be happening. He can't forget us. My eyes filled with tears and Vic came up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I choked out a sob, and soon I was bawling into Vics shoulder, while Jaime rubbed my back. Vic pulled back and said "Go look for him." 

I did as told and went to look for Tony. He had to remember me. He had to.

~Tonys P.o.V~

I walked out of the room I was in, not sure why I was in the hospital in the first place. I didn't know why that guy kissed me. Or who he was. Am I crazy? Probably not.

Soon, after walking around for a bit, the guy grabbed my arm. "Tony!" he said. "Who are you?" I asked, scared. "Your boyfriend.." he whispered, tears filled his eyes. I pulled away from him. "I'm not your boyfriend. You're mistaking me for someone else. I'm not your boyfriend." "Tony, yes you are!" he yelled at me. His voice was pained, as tears fell down his cheeks. "How can you prove it?" "Come here." he said, as he led me back to my room. "Vic, isn't Tony my boyfriend?" The guy in the brown hair nodded. "Jaime?" said my supposed boyfriend. The guy in the spikes nodded. "Look." said the guy named Vic. He showed me a photo of all four of us, looking like we've known eachother for years. 

"Vic?" I questioned. "I know you! And Jaime!" They both smiled. "Do you remember Mike?" Vic said. I looked to Mike, the only guy there was left. I shool my head sadly, and Mike started to sob. "I'm sorry! I don't-" 

Suddenly, I was running out of the room. I didn't wanna be the cause of Mike crying. I don't know him but I didn't. I looked behind me and he was following me. "Tony!" he caught up and hugged me from behind. "You can't forget me, Tony." he sobbed out. "I'm sorry!" I tried not to cry, this guy was making me feel bad. I'm pretty sure he knows me, but I don't know him...

I pulled away from his hold and he kissed me. I slowly began to kiss him back, but then pulled back. He stared at me, his eyes desperate, as his eyes poured out. He walked out of the hospital and he slammed the door of his car. He pulled out fast and I watched as he drove away. "Tony!" Vic said. "How could you not remember Mike? He fucking loves you!" "I can't remember him." I sobbed out. Why am I crying? I must know him if i'm crying...

~Vics P.o.V~

I drove Tony and Jaime to our tour bus, where we still stayed, and when we walked in, the strong smell of alcohol filled  our noses. "Mike?" I asked. "What do you want?!" he screamed and sobbed out. "Mike, where are you?" I said, worried. Tony looked at me, and I shrugged. "I'm not telling you." he said. "Mike?" Tony said. "Tony?" Mike said, he was crying. "I'm here, Mike."

~Tonys P.o.V~


~Vics P.oV~

"Vic. Vic!" Tony said. "Yeah,bro?" I said. "I remember him!" Tony said. "You do?!" I said. "Yes!" Tony said as he ran, looking for Mike. "Mike? Where are you?' Tony said, distantly.

~Mikes P.o.V~

"Mike?" Tony said. "Yeah, Tony?" I said, groggily sticking my head out of Tonys bunk, where I layed. He ran to me, and jumped up to me. He kissed me and he ran his fingers through my hair. He pulled back and said, "I remember you, Mike Fuentes. And I love you!" The tears ran down my face as he said those words that made me melt inside. "I love you too, Tony." I said, as he hugged me. "I'm sorry." he sobbed into my chest. I stroked his hair and said, "It's not your fault, Tony." He reached up and kissed me, and it felt nice. Vic stood nearby, and he coughed, pulling us apart. "Mike, you're drunk."

Shit. I am. Tony stroked my cheek and said, "its okay". I smiled cheekily at him, and I felt super tired.

I fell asleep, Tony in my arms.

I woke up to screaming. "Dude!" Tony said.

(A/N hey guise!! Early morning update! Well i might update later... cliffhanger, eh?? you guys probably know though so, eh. well this chapter kinda sucked -im tired- well, sorry well keep voting, commenting! thanks!) 

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