All For You

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~Tonys P.o.V~

I sat quietly with Mike by my side, my supposed boyfriend. Vic on my other side, Jaime beside Vic.

"Guys, why can't I remember anything..?" I said, feeling stupid, as if I should know. "Jaime?" Vic said, saying that he should tell me. Jaime stood silently, picking at an imaginary lint. Vic glanced at me, his eyes hurting. Vic glanced at Mike, who shot a look back at Vic. "Tony, you're not gonna remember in the morn-" "Damn it, just tell me." I said. Mike held my hand and said, "Tony, you got in an accident." "Yeah, and right after you and Mike fucked all night" Jaime chimed in. I turned bright red not remembering a thing. Mike chuckled and turned red as well, and soon, I got up and said "I'm going to sleep." I was walking out the room, when I realized... this was my house. Mike was supposedly my boyfriend. Vic and Jaime were my supposed best friends. I turned around. "Um, you guys can stay here for tonight, if you want to." Vic shrugged and I said, "I'll get you guys some blankets.." As I walked out to the hall to get some blankets, when I came across the window, where Mike stood smoking. I knocked on the window, and Mike jumped. I walked out the sliding glass door, staring up at the tall boy.

Hes been crying.

"Mike?" I said. "Tony, why can't you remember me like you did before?" he choked out. "Mike, I don't know.." "Tony, thats your answer to fucking everything!" Mike cried out. "Tony, please remember me! I love you! Tony.." he cried out again, pulling me by my sweater. He clawed at me, and damn, it hurt. "Mike.." I said, trying to break free.

His breathing began to quicken, and he grabbed me by my neck. "Mike, what are y-" "Shut up!" Mike screamed out. "Shut up!" he repeated again. He pushed me to the door and slapped me repeatedly. "Goddamn it, Tony! Remember me!" the tears poured out of his eyes, and he yelled out loud. The burning slaps slowed down as his eyes began to flutter.

"Mike?" I said. He began to tumble, and I called Vic."Vic?" No response. "Vic?" I said again.

~Vics P.o.V~

So.. update, turns out Kellin was seeing that Katelynne girl. They're having a baby. That's whatever. He broke up with me, but I didn't really take it into concern, I have other things to worry about. Mike seems depressed, Jaime same, Tonys condition. My life is full.

Anyways, Tony left to get blankets, and Mike, i'm pretty sure he went to smoke, cause he always does it when hes sad, and of course he is. Anways, I was left with Jaime, and he began to cry.

I've never really ever seen him like this, it all started when Tony got in the accident.

"Jaime.." I said, holding out my arms. He crawled over to me and sobbed in my arms. I stroked his head softly and kissed it. He glanced up at me with those brown eyes i've adored since I first met him. I smiled a reassuring smile, signaling that everything was hopefully going to be okay. "Vic, what if Tony never.." Jaime stopped himself, tears falling down his cheek. I closed my eyes. I was trying to imagine a life without Tony. I saw nothing. I shook my head, and Jaime stared at me in the eyes forcefully.

(QUICK AUTHORS NOTE: okie so im listening to terrible things by mayday parade, which is why this is so sad and dramatic, im pouring my tears down on wattpad, not on my actual face because my brothers right here and yeah we will talk later)

A tear formed into my eyes and I turned away, not trying to cry in front of Jaime, cause it will get ugly. Jaime stared up at the ceiling, his eyes staring straight up. I stared at my beautiful best friend and accidentally blinked, causing a tear to fall straight out and onto his cheek. He glanced up at me, and sat up quickly, piercing my eyes with his. "Vic." he said, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me in him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and tore apart for a minute. "Vic, things are never... ever going to be the same." Jaime said, staring at his thumbs. I didn't bother denying it, it was all so true. This was unreal.. I nodded, and said, "Except this.."

I leaned in and kissed my friend on the lips, feeling alive inside. He seemed tense at first, caught by surprise. He soon grabbed my chin, and pressed our lips closer. I pulled apart from him, unsure of myself. I stared at him in his chocolate eyes and he nodded, smiling at me.

I never noticed how beautiful my friend is.

I leaned in for another kiss, and right when our lips connected, Tony ran into the room.

"MIKE!" he yelled at me. I ran up to Tony. What was going on?

Tony ran down the steps leading to the front of the door. He ran outside to a broken Mike, laying sadly on the pavement, with a tear streaked face.

"Mike?!" I said, running to my little brother.

He layed still and cold.

(A.N AGAIN: well yeah i'm back! sorry i started school again and im already stressed.. well yeah i added some fuenciado in here, if you dont mind, i really ship it.. plus i needed an occupation to distract victor oml xD well yeah. (SORRYZ KELLIC SHIPPERS) well yeah i love you guys, please keep commenting, it motivates me.. i love you bye)

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