Burning Desire

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Lily woke up to a peaceful evening. Everything was quiet and relaxing.
Lily wondered what should she do this fine evening. She jumped out of bed and had a steamy hot shower. After her shower she put on her sundress and matching flats, grabbed her wallet and decided she would go into town this fine evening. She also decided she would try the new restaurant in town called the Bloody Plate. While walking she was deep in thought about what other fun things she could do. She decided after dinner she would check out the new sweets shop that's also in town called Sweet Delights. Lily didn't know why but for some reason she felt like something interesting might happen to her before the night was over with. Lily finally arrived at the Bloody Plate. She went in took her seat and viewed the menu trying to decided what she would have for dinner.

Meanwhile, the night class was watching her with an amusing interest. They knew she was from Cross Academy and was apart of the Sun Dorms. They also knew that within the week she would officially be moving to the Moon Dorms and become a night student. They just didn't understand why since she wasn't a vampire. Kaien had yet to give them more information about Lily.

Hanabusa spoke up. Dose Lily know she is not in a normal restaurant?
I don't think she does said Kain. Should we tell her, said Hanabusa.
No. Said Kaname. But, Lord Kaname how do you think she will take it when she finds out the food here is not exactly for human consumption. It's more tailored to a vampires diet and taste. Said Hanabusa. Am well aware of that said Kaname. Let's just be observant see where it goes from here. Yes, my Lord I understand. Just hope it doesn't make her sick. Me to Hanabusa said Kaname.

Meanwhile back at Lily table.

Excuse me waiter am ready to order please. The waiter came to her and took her order. Yes Ma'am what would you like this fine evening. I would like your Ribeye Steak medium rare, juicy with extra blood dashed with a little kosher salt and ground black pepper with a drizzle of melted butter please. Also I would like a glass of your red wine. Yes Ma'am right away. Thank you Sir.

The waiter smiled at her and went to get her order.

Meanwhile, back at the table with the night class.

What kind of human can consume blood and enjoy it and not be a vampire? Said Hanabusa. Good question, said Kain. Based off what she just ordered it almost sounds like she is a Dormant Vampire. Aren't Dormant Vampires rare said Hanabusa. Yes they are said Kaname. We don't hear that much about them. What exactly is a Dormant Vampire and what is her status in vampire society? A Dormant Vampire is considered the queen of vampires. She has a unique power that none of us can obtain. The only set back is only her true born mates can unlock her hidden power. Once her powers are unlocked she will be almost on par with a pureblood vampire. She will be a dangerous force to be reckoned with. All purebloods are 100% vampire and no human blood is in their veins. We are the A+ of society. Dormant Vampires are 95% vampire with only 5% human blood in their veins, they are the A- of society, followed by level B and so on. Said Kaname.

That's amazing, she's really dangerously close to your power level my Lord. Said Hanabusa. Yes she is. Said Kaname.

Meanwhile, back at Lily's table.

The waiter finally came back to Lily and delivered her food to her.

Here you go Ma'am, enjoy your meal. Thank you Sir. Your welcome, said the waiter. He went on his way to tend to other customers and Lily began to enjoy her meal. After a while Lily was finally done with her meal. It was so delicious she thought and am also full.
Lily called for the waiter. The waiter came to her. She said waiter check please. The waiter brought her the check. She took one look at her bill and her jaw dropped.

The night class chuckled at her facial expression.

All well said Lily, it was worth every penny. She paid the $100 bill, and tipped the waiter $20 and left making her way to Sweet Delights.

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