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I was sat in my room on my laptop and the door bursts open"your moms just came in crying!"Hanna said I got up and ran down

"Oh your okay thank god!" She said and hugged me I hugged her"mom what's going on?"I asked her"Your dad, he messaged me!"she panicked"oh god is the other okay?"I asked"yes but ive found your brother, Jamie!"she said I was shocked and started to tear uo"don't you dare say his name, your lying!"I said"I'm not, when he ran away 4 months ago, your dad found him, well he ran to your dad!"she said I was shocked

"From Texas he ran here?" I asked"no your dad paid for him and now he's threatened to hurt him, if I don't get back with him!"she said I got angry

"ARE YOU KIDDING WHAT DO YOU MEAM BY HURT HIM, HE WONT TOUCH HIM!" I shouted"KILL HIM, HE WILL KILL THE BOTH OF THEM IF I DONT GO TO HIM!"she shouted at me I started to cry"MOM HES NOT GONNA DIE, I CANT, I cant loose him again, he's my best friend and brother!"I cried she hugged me

Her phone rang and I answered it"You have 30 minutes, come to the address or say goodbye to your childrens dad, and our dearest tori's best friend, Jamie!"dad said and hung up

"AHHH MOM GO NOW!" I cried and everyone ran down"Alone?"she asked"no I'll come!"I said"where?"Colby asked walking in I was shocked"no where!"I said he looked at me funny"actually yes come with us!"I said to him and grabbed his hand

I had Colby drive to the place

I jumped out and grabbed moms hand as Colby followed us

We ran to the room and smelt weed, I covered my nose I banged on the door"MOMMMMMM!"Jamie screamed i started to cry"what's going on?"Colby asked"my dads going to kill my brother that ran away!"I cried and the door opened revealing my ugly fucking dad

He looked at me"MOMMMMMM!"Lilly said I was shocked"GIVE ME MY KIDS!"mom screamed"Some are adopted!"dad said"SO THEY ARE OUR FAMILY SINCE THEY WERE BORN!"I screamed

Max, Signa, Jamie, Elle, Victoria and one more are the real ones!"he said"Max and Harvey are just as much as real as they are!"I said he glared at me"One more?"mom asked shocked"Alex....!"I said

He let us in I ran over to Jamie and hugged him"oh my god, I've missed you so much!"I cried and heard a bang and I jumped

"What was that?" Mom asked

Colby came over to me

I untied their tape on the mouths"ALEXXXX, HES IN THE BATHROOM!"they all screamed I was shocked

"You dare!" Dad said"Fuck off!"I said and grabbed a hammer and knocked the handle off and booted the door open

I saw Alex in his army uniform and a cut on his arm he looked at mr shocked

I untied him"Colby get everyone outside like near your car, get an ober and get them to mine!"I begged and he ran out

I hugged Alex and started to cry"are you okay?"I asked him"yes I'm perfect fine!"he smiled"MARK NOOOO!"mom screamed and I heard a gun shot and ducked and heard another one, i looked at Alex and he got up and Ran over to them

I Walked over................"AHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOO!"I cried and fell to the floor beside Jamie's body"Jamie, please, please your my real best friend!"I cried and kissed his hand and started shaking

Alec had called 911 and started to cry a little"he's only 12!"I cried mom hugged Jamie

ambulance had arrived and so did the police

They sat us down"So how did this happen?"the police asked"my dad had managed to get all my kids but Victoria, he had threatened to kill himself and kill my son.....myself and my daughter arrived and found out my son here from the army was here suck in the bathroom

My daughters boyfriend took the kids away, Alex and tori where in the bathroom, he shot Jamie my ex husband, and then shot himself!"mom said crying

"Which one is Victoria?" He asked"this one!"mom said pointing to me"Victoria, why did your dad do this?"the police officer said and I stood quiet staring at my bloody hands as tears fell down my eyes"its okay I understand do any of you know?"he asked"he wanted to have me back!"mom said

"Why were you home from the army?" He asked Alex"I had no clue they had split up, he had phoned me and told me mom was close to death, I arrived here, seeing all my siblings but Victoria tied up, I had thought he killed Victoria and mom, he cut me for guard and split my arm and tied me down and locked the bathroom door!"Alex said and the police where writing it down

"How old is the son and what's his name?" He asked"Jamie Matthew Beckan, 12 years old today!"I said mom kissed my head"okay thank you, we will contact you for anything else, I'm sorry for your losses!"he said"Loss thank you, Jamie only mattered!"I said and got up, I cleaned my hands as much as I could

We got an ober to mine

I opened the door hearing nothing but silence, I walked to the living room as they all stared at me"Blood?"Signa asked and covered her mouth"where's jamie and Alex?"max asked and Alex walked in"Jamie got shot!"mom said and I cried and went on my knees, they all hugged me and cried even Lilly

How I Met Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now