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"Jo?" Hope asked, "you still awake, baby?"

"Yup," Josie answered, stopping herself from yawning but miserably failing, "why? what's up?"

"Where are we headed? I never got the chance to ask you earlier,"

"New Orleans, why?"

That made Hope subconsciously sit up straight, "What?! Why do you plan to go there?"

"Do you promise to not laugh as everyone else did?" Josie sat up as well.

"I won't?" Hope asked confused as she awaits the other girl to speak.

"You have to promise me, Hope," Josie said as she looked at the girl pleadingly.

"Okay, okay, fine. I promise," Hope said and raised a hand to show that she's true to her words.

"It's about my mom.... she uh, died, a few months ago. There was this huge bite on her neck that everyone believed to be an animal bite. But I don't think so, I think they are um, v-vampire bite."

"Vampires?" Hope laughed loudly as she clung on to her stomach, "you believe such creatures exist? What are you, 2nd grade? They're not real! What? Do you also think I'm a vampire? Hey, you're really funny."

"You promised not to laugh!" Josie pouted as she punched Hope's arm.

"It is funny!" Hope argued, "but okay, okay, please do continue. What does it have to do with New Orleans?"

"I read somewhere that most vampires live there, it's like their town, or something," Josie elaborated.

"Yeah, the originals live in New Orleans, but uh, what else have you read about 'vampires'?" Hope asked curiously. Her eyes widened as she realized what she had just said.

"That they have good hearing, compulsions, they can run as fast as Barry Allen does," she shared the information she got from the internet, "oh and uh, they don't just bite you then boom, you're a vampire. You would have to die with vampire blood in your system. And, there's this certain plant called vervain that prevents vampires from compelling humans."

"Damn, you really are obsessed with them?" Hope asked with a slight smirk, that Josie can barely notice it.

"Yeah, I would really like to meet one."

"What is your mom's name?" Hope asked.


"Forbes?" No way did Hope hear the right name, that's impossible. Caroline couldn't possibly be Josie's mother.

"H-how'd you know?" Josie asked with furrowed eyebrows and curious eyes.

"You uh, kinda mentioned her last name earlier."

"I didn't though."

"You did," Hope said sternly, "but uh, Josie... you can't go to New Orleans."

"Why not?" Josie asked confused at how the other girl's been acting, "no way in hell am I turning back around and heading home. I need to find answers."

"No way in hell am I gonna let you go down that very dangerous path," Hope said as she stared at the big brown eyes in front of her, "I'm sorry, Josie. But this is for your own good, baby."

Josie's point of view

I woke up as my phone started ringing. My eyes couldn't open because of the sun directly positioned at my eyes.

I heard a knock coming from the door of my room, before it opened to reveal my father at the other side of the door, "oh god, kiddo. Thank God, you're back."

"Hey dad, good morning," Josie said happily, "what do you mean thank god I'm back, though? I never left."

"You did, baby," Alaric said as he positioned himself at the bottom of Josie's bed, "I even saw you take your car and leave. You told me you were on your way to Lizzie's but I called Lizzie and she said you never came."

"What? I was just here," Josie argued as she tried to remember what happened last night, "I never left?"

"You did, baby," Alaric said and sighed, "I'm getting late, I have to go to work."

Just a few minutes after Alaric left, the mighty Lizzie entered her room.

"Hey Josette, where were you?" Lizzie said rather loudly that Josie winced a little.

"Why are you all so on the fact that I left when I never did? I was here all day," Josie said as she got up from bed to reach for her phone.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lizzie asked worriedly as she checked for anything that is causing Josie to act like this. She didn't find anything. She did find a bracelet worn by Josie though.

"Hey, that's really beautiful," Lizzie said as she reached for Josie's hand, "where'd you get it?"

"I... don't know?" Josie asked confusedly, she wasn't sure where she got it. She doesn't even remember buying it somewhere, "all I know is that I can't remove it."

"You can't?" Lizzie asked, trying her hardest not to laugh, "What? Is it like stuck, or something?"

"Somewhat, yes it is," Josie said, not really thinking, she just said it as something's telling her that's what she was supposed to say.

"What plant is that?" Lizzie asked as she noticed the bracelet carrying some kind of plant inside it.

"Plant? I don't know,"

"Do you ever know anything?"

"Yeah. Lizzie, something wrong is happening to me," Josie said seriously with a hint of sadness in her voice as she spoke, "I woke up and all I could remember is that I was here all this time, and that I never left in the first place," Josie breathed before continuing, "and that, my mom was killed by an animal. That's nothing but the truth. She's dead because of an animal that attacked her that night."

"Josie, can I see your phone?" Lizzie asked as she reached for my phone. I handed it to her and watched her open it and do things, "oh my god."

"What is it?"

"A picture of you, and a really beautiful girl with this really cute necklace that has an M on it," Lizzie said, "you never told me about her!"

"I... have definitely have no idea who that is, Lizzie," Josie said, just staring at her best friend while her best friend stared back at her.

"Meow," their staring contest was broken as soon as they heard the noise coming from the floor. They found a brown little cat wandering around the place.

"What the fuck?"

yayyyyy it's finished skdjdjk thanks for reading !!! if you even reached this far without getting bored or something hahahah i hope you all enjoyed it and leave a comment and let me know what you guys think? yay thanks! hope y'all would have a great day/night. i love you all 🤗

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