The Grand Tour Part 1

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Welcome to the second chapter of this book/novel/story (whatever you want to call it). Enjoy!

3rd Person Pov:

Y/N was looking up at the mansion thinking to himself, "What a dump, am I really going to be staying here?" The mansion was made out of a really old looking wood. It was moldy and in some places falling apart. Probably due to the fact that half the wood is rotten.

Y/N Pov:

"This is pretty sketchy Slenda," I said. She said, sounding slightly offended, "Just trust me and come inside already." Slenda walks in first, still carrying the knocked out Jess. I follow her in, keeping my guard up and my hand on my gun. Once I got inside the place, I had an extremely uneasy and creepy feeling. This only made me keep my guard up even higher.

Yet I realize that the mansion on the inside is very well-kept and clean, unlike the outside. We walked into the common room and Slenda told me, "This is your new home. Let me show you to your room after I drop Jess off in her room so she can rest. Let me warn you though, she will be very pissed at you when she wakes up." "Aw fuck," I whispered under my breath. Then Slenda disappeared and reappeared without Jess.

"Follow me please," Slenda said. I followed her up a staircase and into a rather long hallway with multiple doors on each side. I continued to follow her until we reached the end of the hallway and she opened the last door, motioning you to walk in. I was shocked when I walked into what's supposed to be my room.

The room was enormous. It had a queen size bed in the middle of it. Across from the bed was an 80", 4K, flatscreen TV. It also had a walk-in closet that had so many hangers, shelves, and cubies. There was another door that leads to a bathroom that had a jacuzzi bath in it. "Sweet," I thought.

Slenda then said to me, "If you are going to live here from now on, you will have to familiarize yourself with everyone else living here." I didn't know how to feel about that. This place seems like a great place to live but, psychotic killers live here as well. But why would I have anything to worry about? I could probably take a lot of them on. I noticed while I was thinking to myself that Slenda left the room. "No other time like now," I muttered to myself.

When I opened my door, I saw a very angry looking Jess giving me a death stare. "Oh shit," I thought. She pushed me back into my room before I had any time to react and I fell down. She pinned me down to the ground grabbing her knife and held it to my neck. "Is this how I die?" I thought, "Perhaps like this, but not today." I quickly grabbed her arm and twisted it. I then continued by flipping her over and then pinning her to the ground. "What the fuck!?" she said. "The shoe's on the other foot," I said giggling, "Now please, if you keep attacking me I might just have to kill you." She looked scared when I said this. She doesn't look like much of a killer when she's scared too.

"Well then," I said getting up and putting out a hand to help her up. Jess hesitated for a moment, still in shock after I flipped her over and pinned her, and grabbed my hand. I pulled her up and continued saying, "We never properly introduced ourselves when we weren't trying to kill each other," I said. "You're right," Jess said, "I'm Jess the Killer, but Jess is fine." "I'm Y/N L/N, but just call me Y/N," I said. "Y/N huh? I like that name," Jess said with a shy smile. "Thank you," I said slightly blushing.

"Sorry about trying to kill you and all," Jess said looking down in shame with her hair covering her face, "I just got bored and thought you would be easy to kill. But you turned out to be very skilled in fighting, especially just now." I noticed her face was starting to turn red. Does she like me? I don't think so, no one has ever liked me. I put my finger under her chin and lifted her head up and said, "Hey don't worry about it. I'm actually happy that you were a worthy challenge fighting me, you're pretty good." This made her blush even more than she was before. She then ran out of the room and closed the door, clearly embarrassed.

I laid down on my bed with my heart racing. "I'm so bad at socializing when I'm not fighting someone," I thought to my self, "Why do I have to have social anxiety? I probably said something wrong that made her run off like that. Fuck! She probably still hates me. I don't want to keep fighting her, I think we could be good friends if we didn't. But I never had any friends so I don't know if we could become friends because I wouldn't know what to do." I noticed my hand was shaking. I grabbed it with the other one to make it stop. "I wonder how meeting everyone else will go?" I thought to myself.

And that is another finished installment of this book/novel thing. The last paragraph is something that I can relate to personally being someone with bad social anxiety. But other than that, I hope you all enjoyed this and leave any comments or suggestions in the comments below. Do widzenia!

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