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A little bit longer than usual chapter planned but here we go!!

3rd Person Pov:

After Y/N, Nurse Ann, and Slenda teleported away, the rest of the girls stormed back into the house and stomped straight up to Angel, who was still in the same position from before with blood still on her sword.

"W-WHY!?" Tami yelled out to Angel while charging her with her hatchets. She then got stopped by Jess who was trying her best to hold her back from Angel. Angel just glared at the girls. Tami had tears forming in her eyes and broke out of Jess's grasp and running upstairs to her room. Clockwork walked up to Angel and said, "What was going on in that stupid little head of yours to kill Y/N?" "He's a human, we kill humans," Angel said back with an agitated voice, "Why do you guys care so fucking much about him anyway?"

This made the girls think. Slenda had originally told them to not kill him because she saw something in him. Though none of the girls knew exactly what it was other than Clockwork and Jess since he was able to defend against them.

"My point standing," Angel said as she walked away. When she left, Slenda reappeared near everyone. Jackie ran up to her and asked, "Is Y/N going to be alright?" Slenda just looked her way and sighed saying, "It's not looking so good for him right now, he lost a lot of blood." This time, everyone began to get tears in their eyes, as they all went about their day. Each of them hoping Y/N would get better.

Time Skip
Two Weeks Later
Location Unknown

Y/N was laying on a medical bed in a room that looked like a room where surgeries are done. The only thing was that instead of being white like a normal doctors office, everything was all dark colors with highlights of red every once and awhile.

Nurse Ann was currently sitting in a chair in the corner of the room keeping an eye on Y/N as he laid on the bed.

Y/N Pov

My eyes slowly opened halfway until I remembered what happened earlier. My eyes then shot opened and I began to panic because I realized I was in some sort of twisted doctor's office. I shot up into a sitting position and looked around. I saw what I think is a nurse but she was wearing a black, form hugging, dress that went down to her thighs. She had black sleeves on and a mask and a nurse cap (I don't know how to describe the hat). The hat, mask, and upper left corner of her dress had a red plus sign signifying that she was some sort of doctor or nurse.

"Who are you and why am I here?" I said to her. "I am Nurse Ann, the one who saved your life after your little run-in with Angel," She responded. I looked down at my arm to see it was covered in stitches from where it was sliced by that sword. "Well shit I guess your right," I said while continuing to look at my arm, "So... Can I leave and head back to the mansion?" "Absolutely not!" Nurse Ann shouted back in a stern voice standing up from her chair, "You are still recovering and you need rest." I said, "Well how long have I been out for then?" "Two weeks" "Oh. Well, I think that's plenty of time for recovering so I'll be on my way."

I got down from the bed and walked to the door when I heard a chainsaw being started up. I turn around and saw Nurse Ann with a chainsaw. She said, "I said you need to RECOVER!!" She charged me with the chainsaw and I darted out the door. I noticed as I was sprinting we were in some sort of basement. But the didn't matter to me because I was already at the top of the stairs that led out of the basement and I swung open the door to find out that I was in a closet full of cleaning supplies. I opened the closet door and found out it was the closet in the kitchen of the mansion. I hid next to the door and waited for Nurse Ann so I can go on the offensive.

Jess Pov

I was sad because of Y/N being gone but I didn't really know him that much. I was walking to the kitchen when I heard a loud bang. I ignored it and kept going to see the kitchen closet door open. But that wasn't important because I saw Nurse Ann run through it. But once she did Y/N came from behind the door and kicked her chainsaw out of her hand. Y/N then put her into a headlock but Nurse Ann kicked behind her making Y/N release her from the headlock. They turned to face each other when Nurse Ann charged Y/N. She tried to tackle him but he ducked and used her momentum to throw her into some cabinets and breaking them. Y/N charged Nurse Ann and pinned her down and taking a sharp piece of wood from the wreckage of the cabinets and held it against her neck.

"Thanks for helping me recover Ann. But I told you I was leaving Ann, why didn't you just listen?" Y/N told her. Nurse Ann said, "Because I'm a Nurse and your not." I was still standing in shock after the fight and I noticed Benny and Clockwork were standing to my left. Y/N looked around and his eyes landed on us. "Oh hey. What's up?" Y/N asked us. I guess Nurse Ann thought he was distracted so she tried to break free. But Y/N didn't even look down and kept her pinned with ease. Just then, Slenda walked in and saw what's happening.

Slenda grabbed both Y/N and Nurse Ann with her tendrils and said, "Explain. Now."

Y/N Pov

"Explain. Now." I heard Slenda say to us. Nurse Ann spoke up first and said, "Y/N left before he was fully recovered so I tried to stop him and bring him back. I don't understand how he isn't in horrible pain because of his arm though." I responded, "I've always ignored pain when I wanted to. It's been like that all my life." Slenda looked directly at me and said, "Interesting..." She set both of us down and told us to relax the rest of the day. When Slenda left, Ann looked at me and said, "Just don't do anything crazy and your arm should be fine," she said in a monotone. Then she walked back to the basement with her chainsaw.

"Well, that was something. I wonder how everyone else i..." I couldn't finish my thought because I was being crushed by Jess, Benny, and Clockwork at once in a hug. I started to blush because their boobs were right next to my face. "YOUR ALIVE!" Benny shouted as everyone let go of me. "Of course I am. I wouldn't go down that easily," I said confidently. Clockwork looked at me and said, "Y/N you almost died. You wouldn't have survived without Ann's help. You should go back to her room and thank her later." "Alright, Alright. I will," I said as I grabbed some surprisingly uncrushed chips from the cabinets wreckage. Jess came up to me and said, "Y/N do you realize what you have just done?" "What?" I said. "You just fought Nurse Ann and won!" "Do I get a prize?" I asked sarcastically. She gently punched me with a smile saying, "You smartass."

Time Skip

I was walking back to my room after I told everyone I was back except for Angel and Tami because I couldn't find them. I went to open my door when I heard from inside the room, "G-Go away-ay." I responded sarcastically again, "But this is my room." My door swung open to reveal a Tami who's been crying a lot and who looks like they haven't been eating in a while with a big smile on her face when she saw me. She pulled me into my room while happily giggling. "Did you miss me?" I asked her." She looked at me and just hugged me tightly, she's shorter than I am so her head is buried in my chest. I hugged back and picked her up and sat her down on my bed. I then walked over to my walk-in closet to change into some black shorts and a F/C t-shirt. I didn't see that Tami was hiding behind the closet door so when I walked out, she jumped onto my back for a piggyback ride. I looked at the clock and saw it was 10:00 pm. "Tami could you get off I'm going to go to bed," I told her.

She looked at me while blushing and said, "I w-was thinking th-that I c-could maybe s-sleep with yo-you t-tonight." (A/N: Not in that way you perverts... yet) This made me blush like a madman. I said, "S-sure." "Y-YAY!" She shouted and took off her clothes until she had only a t-shirt and panties on. Then she hopped into bed. I got into bed next to her and she wrapped her arms around me and her legs wrapped and around my legs. I thought to myself, "This is... surprisingly comfortable. I could get used to this." And I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.

1576 words! That wasn't too bad. I hope You all enjoyed the story and happy to see Y/N back in action. Do widzenia!

(Update) I hope that all of you guys are seeing the stories correctly. Cause whenever I look at them they are extremely spaced out and glitchy. Probably because I write on two different computers and a phone. But nonetheless enjoy the stories.

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