Two new Guests and Jill's Secret

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Y/N Pov

I was taking a walk in the snow covered forest surrounding the mansion I call home. I had a blue warm, puffy coat on with jeans and brown boots. I was only carrying my knife with me. I didn’t bring bring any guns with me because they all needed to be taken apart and cleaned sometime soon.

I admired the scenery around me as I walked. The branches of the trees were lined with snow and ice. The sky was gray and cloudy and the ground had two inches of snow sitting on top of it. There was snow falling slowly as I walked.

The snow crunched beneath my boots as I continued to walk. I came across a pair of tracks. I bent down to take a closer look and I realized that they were kitten tracks. They couldn’t have been older then a couple months. “Newborns,” I whispered to myself as I began to follow the tracks. The tracks lead into a thicket of bushes and fallen branches. Then into a larger, hollowed out log the was laying on the ground.

I bent down and looked into the log and saw two, very small newborn kittens cuddling together trying to stay warm as they slept. One of the kittens was a dark brown and the other was a dark gray I stayed there looking into the log for a bit until I layed down and crawled into the log. As I approached the kittens they woke up and saw me. “Come with me. I can take care of you two,” I said to them. Even though they couldn’t understand me, I hoped they could get the idea that I’ll take care of them.

The brown one got up and slowly walked up to me and stared at me. Soon her sister followed her and they were both sitting in front of me as I layed in the log. I slowly reached for them, trying not to scare them, and I scooped them up into my arms as I backed out of the log. Once I got out I gently put them into the inside pockets of my coat. I thought that my body heat will keep them warm for now. Not that it was below zero or anything. But it is cold for newborn kittens.

I started to the mansion while I thought of names for the two sisters. An idea popped into my head. Kit and Kat.

Time Skip: Afternoon

I was sitting in my room on top of my bed as Kit and Kat played with each other on in in my covers. “I’m going to need food for these too. As long as other pet supplies but I don’t know where I could start,” I thought to myself. I got up and walked out of my room. Leaving Kit and Kat inside. I walked down the hall and I saw Jill’s door cracked open. Me being a guy shouldn’t be peeking into girl’s bedrooms but curiosity got the best of me.

I peeked in and what I saw was horrible. Jill was sitting and the ground with her back to her bed. Her sleeve was rolled up and there were new scars and cuts lining her arm. She had a knife in one hand about to make a new cut. I had to do something fast. I grabbed my knife and threw it at the knife in her hand as I bursted the door open. My knife knocked her knife out of her hand and she looked confused until I tackled her to the ground in with tears forming in my eyes. She looked up to see me on top of her.

“What are you doing!?” I asked in a shaky voice. She looked at me and began to tear up as she closed her eyes and cried. She kicked me off of her and she tried to run but I grabbed her ankle and she fell back down. I stood her up and hugged her tightly as she continued to cry. I brought her to her bed and sat her down. We sat there holding each other for half and hour until Jill began to calm down.

“Why are you doing this to yourself Jill?” I asked her. “Cause I’m not good enough for you! You show attention to the other girls but almost nothing to me! I would always wait for you to come talk to me but you never did…” She answered. I looked into her eyes and said, “You know I love you with all my heart Jill. You along with everyone else I love equally. But I didn’t know you wanted more attention. You should have said something to me because I would've given it to you.” We stayed quiet looking at each other. I reached for her left arm and rolled up its sleeve. It was lined with cuts both scarred and fresh. The same was with the other one. I hugged her again.

“Come with me. I want to show you something that might cheer you up,” I told her, “But I’m bringing you to Ann first.” I took her hand and led her down the stairs, into the kitchen, and down into Ann’s office.

Time Skip: After Jill gets patched up

I told Ann everything I saw Jill do. Her and Jill are now going to have therapy sessions for awhile until Ann thinks Jill is okay. Right now I am leading Jill back to my room. I opened the door and let her in first. She saw a box on the ground and went to open it. But the box tipped over and Kit and Kat fell out of it. Jill’s face lit up with happiness as the two sisters jumped onto Jill, who was currently sitting in front of them. “Oh my god they’re so cute!!” Jill squealed as she pet Kat. I picked up Kit and help her in my lap as I was sitting next to Jill.

I said, “They are. I found them out in the forest this morning.” “What’s their names?” Jill asked me. “The brown one is Kit and the gray one is Kat,” I told her. We played with the kittens until they fell asleep from having so much fun. Jill stood next to me as I was standing over my bed watching Kit and Kat sleep. She rested her head on my shoulder and whispered, “I love you Y/N.”

I lifted her head up and kissed her soft lips. She was shocked at first but she melted into it. We made out until it was dinner time. We heard Slenda call us all down and we also heard footsteps walking past my room. We looked at each other and went to the dinner table. On our way down I told her not to mention the kittens to anyone and she agreed.

Time Skip: After Dinner

I had leftover chicken on my plate as I snuck it into my pocket. Slenda seemed to notice because she asked me, “What are you planning on doing with that chicken Y/N?” I searched for and excuse and said, “Um. I’ll get hungry again. So I’ll have something to eat.” Some of the girls looked at each other and went back to finishing dinner. I excused myself from the table and went up to my room.

When I opened the door and was greeted by tiny meows from the two kittens waking up from their cat nap. I got the chicken out of my pocket and feed my to kittens. I thought to myself, “You two are adorable. I’m keeping you.” I went to go clean my guns.

Another Time Skip: But a mini one

As I was cleaning my Mini 14, I saw Kit out of the corner of my eye walking towards me. She jumped up onto my workbench and sat on the majority of the parts to the gun. “Wow,” I thought, “How original.” “Come on Kit, get off my stuff please,” I said as I picked her up and set her down on the ground next to me. When I looked back up Kat was sitting on the parts of my guns now. Kit climbed back up and sat next to Kat. As they both stared at me I said, “I guess I can finish that later.”

I picked them both up and set one on each shoulder like parrots and went down stairs. They tried climbing around my head as I walked. I passed a clock and saw it was nine o’clock already. I continued my journey to the kitchen. When I got there I went for the milk and pour it into a bowl for my kittens. After I finished pouring the milk and they started drinking it, Clockwork came into the kitchen. She looked at me and said hi but then she saw the cats.

“Oh my god!!” She squealed as she leapt toward the kittens. She landed next to them and cuddled with them. I was standing above all of them listening to the kittens purr due to Clockworks petting and rubbing. I layed down next to her and said, “The brown one is Kit and the gray one is Kat.” She responded with sparkles in her eyes, “They’re so cute.” “Yes but let them finish their milk first,” I told her. Clockwork’s face turned into a puting one as she sat up. The two kittens walked back to the bowl and returned to drinking the milk. I told Clockwork to keep me taking care of these two on the down low and she agreed only if she got to cuddle me tonight.

Of course I agreed and later that night all four of us went to my bedroom. Clockwork and I got undressed and into sleep wear. I was just in underwear and basketball shorts while Clockwork just had my T-shirt and her panties on. We both got in bed and cuddled as we fell asleep.

3rd person pov

Kit and Kat climbed up onto bed to sleep. They both got in between Y/N and Clockwork and cuddled with them. As all four of them were sleeping. Someone who had something planned long ago crept into the room. The mysterious figure grabbed Y/N’s Mini 14 pieces and left the room with them...

Hope ya'll enjoyed this. This is just below 2000 words so it's definitely a lot and the biggest thing I've written on Wattpad so far. I'm doing better now mentally and I have more time on my hands so I'll be updating more now. Do widzenia!

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