In the Kingdom of Lucis, the city of Insomnia was alive. Buzzing like a hive of bees as news finally reached their ears. "The Queen has given birth at last!" A newscaster exclaimed with excitement in her voice. "The gender has not yet been revealed but word from the castle is that it will be declared whenever King Regis sees fit. Stay tuned on channel 602 to keep yourself updated!" The co-anchor said as the screen changed to an advertisement.
As the city was bursting with excitement and life, the castle was calm. As the King gazed down at his wife, he wore a loving smile. The Queen gazed up at her lover, holding his hand.
"I want to see our child."
"Patience my love. The doctor will be back with our child once they are cleaned up. You did well. Relax my love." The King spoke with a soothing voice as his wife let out a sigh of defeat; complying with his wish.
As they sat in comfortable silence, a doctor walked back into the room; holding the infant in his arms gently. "Congratulations King Regis. Queen Aulea. You gave birth to a girl." He said as he handed the daughter to the Queen. Aulea's face brightened and huddled the daughter close to her face, using her free hand to tug the blanket down gently away from the infant's face to look at her child.
The King leaned down to get a closer look at his daughter and a smile broke out on his face as her eyes opened. Emerald green orbs looked up toward both the King and Queen; causing Regis to give a small chuckle in response.
"She has my eyes."
"She's going to be a daddy's girl."
"We will see about that when she grows up my love," Regis replies as the door opened. The King's Shield walked through the door along with the King's personal bodyguard.
"Is everything well?" The Shield's voice rang out gently before Regis looked at the two with a smile on his face; revealing the child in his arms. A smile broke out on the man's face as he chuckled.
"Congratulations," Clarus said as he walked forward. He bent down slightly and let the infant grab his finger before she grasped on tightly. "Quite the grip. Tough one this one will be when she gets older."
"She hasn't cried once. Not even during the process of birth once she was out." Regis said as his green eye looked towards the other male. "Cor. Come forth." He said as he saw the said male walked towards his king.
"Did you need anything?" Cor said as Regis put the baby to his chest, forcing Cor to move his arms up and hold the child. He had shock written all over his face as he looked up at Regis. "Your majesty-"
"You've served both myself and my father. You are as much family as Clarus is. I only hope that you will be there for my daughter as well as you have for me and my father. You can hold her Cor."
While Cor felt conflicted, he glanced down at the newborn in his arms. Her emerald green eye bore into his icy blue eyes and made grabbing motions up at his face; gurgling happily. As a blush dusted the male's cheek, the other two men and the Queen on the bed giggled/chuckled at this reaction.
"She's taken a liking to you quickly Marshal," Clarus said with amusement laced within his voice. Cor ignored him and cracked a little smile at the bundle of joy and light in his arms.
"Have you named her yet?" His voice came out gruff as he carefully handed the baby girl to Regis. Regis hummed in response as he took his daughter and led the to men over to his wife's bed.
"I've thought of a name. But I will let him choose." Aulea's voice came out softly as she watched the intense love-filled gaze her husband was giving their first-born. The King looked at her; making sure that he could name their child. With a nod from his wife, Regis looked down at his daughter with a soft smile.
"I will name her...Estella. Estella Lucis Caelum." The light from the window shined on the two; as the child gurgled happily and reached up at her father's face. Thus, a beacon of hope and light was born that day.

The Rise and Fall of Insomnia
FanfictionThe world of Eos is full of all kinds of adventures. Fishing, camping, hunting, traversing the land. But it also has its dangers. The deamons and Starscourage being the main ones. With betrayal lurking almost everywhere you look, we hold onto those...