Chapter 7: Rivalry

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Keith paced the room anxiously, tracing his tongue over the pearly white fangs that were once his upper Canines, or how fancy terms went, Cuspids.

They were uncomfortable- taking up more space in his mouth than before. It seemed that they grew overnight, in the large bed he had to share with the prince of the Galra Empire.

The thought of what Lotor's hands did while he was asleep made his stomach churn- and he couldn't tell if it was a good or bad churn. His body adored the attention, something he never had before. His mind felt otherwise.

Resentful and confused, Keith sat on the cushion in the nook at the wall, staring out the large glass window at the stars. They glowed beautiful and vibrant colors, but he knew they'd fade soon. The ship was never in the same place for more than a Quintant. He tried mapping out the stars, but after the third change in scenery, he grew frustrated and gave up.

He sighed softly, resting his face against the cold glass, heating it up with his breath to draw pictures in it. The paladin watched the pictures fade into the colorful void of space, his eyes once again drawn to the beautiful stars.

His fingers brushed against the galra lettering on his collar for the millionth time, his mind wrenching back to the present. He was a slave. A pet. He was a captive of the Galra Empire, and was a toy for the prince to play with until he got bored or broke it.

Keith shivered softly, closing his eyes. Lotor wasn't terrible- he was always gone on meetings or ignoring Keith's presence. That was his favorite part of the game they played, what Keith could do before Lotor noticed and said something. One time he'd managed to climb up the large bookshelves while Lotor was talking, only getting caught when a book toppled down from the top shelf. Keith was perched up there, watching Lotor with amusement in his eyes.

Though, Lotor usually doesn't find it as fun. He orders Keith around like no tomorrow, all simple tasks he could do on his own.

That was it. The orders. Even if Keith wanted to say no, his mind would be on auto pilot. He'd be done with the task before he realized he'd even done it.

It had been two months now, since he'd been taken. He kept track with scratches in the wall by the window. He recounted the tallies, feeling his hope dwindle. He took his nail and scratched another mark in. "62 days." He muttered, hearing the door open.

He whipped around, glaring at the sight of Sendak standing in the doorway.

The Galran's deep chuckle echoed through the silent room, his eyes sweeping across the room. He seemed to miss Keith in his little perch at the window, because he walked in, closing the door behind him.

"Now where did he keep that pest?" He asked aloud, sweeping his eyes across the room. Keith had since hid under a pile of dirty laundry, mostly clothes Lotor discarded after lightly using them.

Keith's heart raced as he felt the thump of Sendak's footsteps, knowing of the strong rivalry between him and the Prince. Not to his surprise, he was already taking the Prince's side on this. When the footsteps stopped, he held his breath, daring a peek out.

When he didn't see Sendak, he uncovered more, looking toward the door. Could he have left? He must've been quiet if he h-

He felt a large hand grab the back of his neck, crying out in surprise, trying to turn and kick at anything within reach. Sendak laughed, holding him away from his body with the tech arm, the claws closing around Keith's neck.

Keith cursed and squirmed as Sendak took him to the door, stepping into the hallway. The regular guards were slumped against the wall, holes in their chests. Keith swallowed hard, forcing himself to look away. He clung to the claws, trying to keep the pressure from crushing his neck.

He was dropped to the ground suddenly, landing in a heap, taking deep gasps for air, crawling away from Sendak. He was back on his feet and holding a gun before he could realize he was ordered to, Lotor's voice seeping into his ear like smooth honey. "Kill him, Keith. End that bastard's life." He pointed to Sendak, who looked prepared for the fight.

But was Keith ready?
His body acted before his mind decided yes, multiple shots fired into the Galran's chest, doing little damage to the armor. Next he launched himself at Sendak's neck, growling and clawing- he wasn't in control. Once he had Sendak on his back, it was easier. But strong arms pulled him off before he could finish the job.

He thrashed and snarled, determined to follow orders. Lotor had to stand in front of Keith and whisper in his ear to get him to stop, his hands resting on Keith's hips.

Keith panted hard, his mind dizzy and vision distorted. He was tired. He was bloody. At least ten minutes had passed when he was taken over.

Lotor's words swam back into his mind.
"All Galra have something in their blood; where they cannot deny a command from their emperor. It's amazing, really."

He just proved it to be true.

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