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I woke up in a Galran room.  The walls were purple with small flashed of light in places.  My hands were tied above my head to a table like contraption that was tilted at an angle.  My head was spinning and I felt as though I was going to throw up, a feeling I was all too familiar with.  The door opened suddenly and a shorter woman with long white hair draped over her shoulders and long loosely fit flowing robes walked in.  Haggar.  Behind her, standing tall and menacingly, was Commander Sendak.  He growled as he smirked at me evilly.

"Well well.  If it isn't Champion.  How nice to see you back so soon.  After you left the arena was quite boring you know." Haggar said with her coarse and nasally voice.

"What do you want with me?!  Let me go!" I shouted, struggling against the restraints.

"Now why would we do that?  We want you to fight again you see." She said moving closer.  "Although it will be hard to fight in you condition.  With this... Parasite inside of you.  I'm glad to see that our experiment work though."

My eyes went wide.  They were going to hurt my child.  They were going to kill them.  "DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" I yelled struggling once again, but to no avail.

"I'm not going to... Sendak!" She ordered roughly, the large Galra walking up to me.  

"I've wanted to do this for a long time..." Sendak thrust his fist into Shiro's gut.  Shiro grunted and screamed as soon as his breath came back to him.

"NO STOP PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!!!" It was no use.  Sendak punched Shiro a few more times until Shiro lay limp in the restraints.  The pair left the room.  Shiro lay there motionless, and in too much pain to even moan.  He felt something trickle down his legs.  He mustered up enough strength to look at the bright red blood streaming down his legs in small streams, causing a little pool of blood below him.  He wanted to cry.  He wanted to bawl his eyes out but he just wasn't strong enough too.  He closed his eyes.  And he blacked out once more.


I woke up for the second time that day in the Galran room, only this time two guards were undoing my restraints.  I was dragged down the hall and thrown harshly into a sell with another figure looming in the corner.  I felt myself break down. I started crying.  I was waling as I covered my face with my hands, tucking my knees into my chest.  They killed my child.  They killed mine and Matt's child!  This bastards took away an innocent life that didn't even get to live yet!  I heard someone clear their throat in the corner.  My head shot up and around to see who it was.

"Excuse me sir?" A small higher pitched voice asked from the corner.  I could quite see who it was though.

"Who's there?  Who are you?" I asked scooting away from the figure that was squatting(?) there.  It came closer.

"Please sir!  Don't be afraid.  I don't bite.  Not unless they make me." The figure came into what little light was shining into the sell.  Shiro could now see a smaller being.  He looked Galra but not quite, like there was something else to him.  Was he a half breed?  "My name is Axelle.  I don't want to harm you.  I want to get out of here like everyone else." He held his hand out to me.

"I thought that the Galra didn't take any more prisoners?" I asked shaking his hand.

"We are what is left of them.  They still tend to do arena fights.  We are forced to fight still.  I was captured when my father was found out.  He had me with a non Galra.  I'm a half breed as you could easily guess.  So I'm not exactly allowed to be let free." He looked down, sorrow filling his eyes.  His ears drooped but he quickly looked back up trying to seem more cheerful now.  "I'm glad you are here with me though Champion!" He smiled.

Champion.  I hated being called that after all the had happened to me.  Everyone still knew that I was a monster.  I couldn't be known as a monster if I was going to be da- oh wait.  I started to cry as I thought these things.  He gave me a concerned look.

"Why are you crying Champion?" He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Please... Don't call me that." I said wiping away the tears.  "They took something very dear to me away.  And I can never get it back."

"Is it... Your arm?" He asked quietly as if trying not to offend me.

"No... Something so much more precious than an arm.  They... They took away my child.  Killed it before it was-was born." I started crying more.  We hugged me.  I startled at the embrace, but leaned into it, crying into his shoulder.

"It's alright.  We'll get you out of here.  They won't hurt you.  I promise Champ- I mean..." He trailed off, not knowing my name.

"Shiro." I said, and he smiled.

"Shiro.  I won't let them hurt you.  You'll get out of here.  I promise."

I'm so mean aren't I?  I like being a bitch is why.  I'm sorry if you are offended by this I didn't mean to make anyone upset I just thought it would add something to the story.  Sorry if I wrote something wrong about the show or miscarriage.  Please comment on this story, tell me if you like it.  Also read some of my other stories!  Thank you!  It'll get better I promise!

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