Ch.2 Eye contact

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Blue, brown, green, or black as coal
Eyes are the windows to the soul.

Mrs. Bass was absolutely horrendous today! Usually, she lets us sit where we want to and is for the most part pretty calm. But today, not only did she decide to make a seating chart, but she started enforcing bogus rules. There is one exteremely stupid rule, no making eye contact with the opposite gender. Is she trying to avoid cooties or something?

So lucky me Mrs. Bass sat me with Carmelita, a girl named Cookie, and Cookies twin Mae. Cookie is not bright but is nice enough, for being a Carmelita crony that is. Mae is silent unlike her sister, I don't know where to pin her. I'm pretty sure we all know how I feel about that snotty little brat Carmelita. How does Mrs. Bass not realize that by putting me next to Carmelita she basically ruined my life!?! Not only is she stuck up but she cheats, lies, and tries to get me into trouble! She already got some other kids into trouble now they have a red mark along their hands and other body parts from Mrs. Bass hitting them with her meter stick!

So naturally, Klaus and I made eye contact for a split second and then I felt a burning sensation in my forehead and realized that I've been hit by her meter stick. Klaus stood up from his chair but before he could protest he too was also whacked on the head.

"Office!" Mrs. Bass screamed, "right now!"I guess too many people have made eye contact for her to handle.

Klaus and I gathered up our stuff and made our way to vice principal Nero's office. I was not looking forward to the visit with the sickly green man. Just before we opened the door to the tall gray building I stopped.

"What's wrong Isadora?" Klaus questioned.

"We could just go back to the shack, she won't know if we went to Nero or not, phones are not in the school budget you know....I don't think we deserve to be punished and she won't be making sure we face consequences so I think we should just hang for the rest of the period you know?" I explain.

"Oh I see! Hey, wanna go down to the orphan shack and work on homework?" I nodded as he grabbed my wrist and ran down to my old sleeping quarters. The place looked a little less depressing sense the last time I saw it. There were no territorial crabs and the fungus stopped dripping.

I pulled out my damaged folders from my green bag. Taking a look at my math one. "Do you remember how long the radish was?" I asked. Klaus pulled out his notes and handed them to me.  We sat in there for a good ten minutes before Klaus decided to strike up a conversation,

" you said you were a triplet right?" He asked cautiously.

"Correct" I replied.

"What was his or her name again?"  I paused
obviously Klaus was worried he had upset me so he looked down at his shoes sheepishly before I spoke up and said,

"His name was Quigley, Quigley Michael Quagmire. He was born exactly 102 seconds before me and 94 seconds after Duncan. He was goofy and brave. He was obsessed with maps. As small children we would all pretend to be pirates in the backyard, he would always make our map. Then we would spend hours following the map he made with paper and crayons until we found something. Usually it was a button or a coin or something. He was very protective of me and never let guys get close to me. Duncan is like that too but he doesn't- erm -didn't threaten to kill them.  Quigley would always be cracking jokes with Duncan, they were so dumb." I sighed, "I miss him"

At this point I made eye contact with Klaus for more than a second. I suddenly start to question the books I have read that described blue or green eyes as beautiful when brown eyes would just be brown. When I looked into Klaus Baudelaire's eyes I was reminded of the sun shining through whiskey bottles on a summer day. His eyes were warm and calculating. They reminded me of the chocolate cake my triplets and I would share every year on our birthday. His eyes were soothing and relaxing. I could probably look at his eyes all day. Inspiration struck me and I broke our eye contact to grab my black notebook and inside I wrote down another couplet,

He had the most beautiful eyes in the town
They were an array of amber and brown

"What about you?" I asked "I heard you, Sunny, and Violet  talking about somebody named Count- something, umm Omar?"

"His name is Count Olaf, and unlike you, I do not miss Olaf, I wish he would leave us alone."
He talked about all the events leading up to this, family being killed, child labor,Klaus getting hypnotized, Their lives constantly leading up to unfortunate events, and so much more. I suddenly felt guilty for acting like I was the only one with problems. Klaus struggles every night, with nightmares so vivid it could bring a Sargent to tears. He describes Count Olaf saying he had one long eyebrow, shiny dark eyes, and most importantly, a tattoo of an eye on his ankle. I could tell that he was barely holding it together. I pulled him into a hug and said,

"I will do everything I can to help you."


Lunch that day was pretty normal but I keep finding myself staring at Klaus' eyes. I really liked him but I'm starting to wonder if it's just as a friend or not. Klaus and I have had a lot of eye contact just in the pass hour, Mrs bass will not be pleased if we keep this up by 8th period.

"Isadora are you okay?" Violet asked. I sat up brushed down my uniform and nodded my head. Well that was awkward. I'm fine Violet I'm just creeping on your brother. I thought to myself. I decided to leave. I placed my fork on my tray and walked over to the trash can. I dumped my tray and gave it and my silverware to a masked person.

"Thank you" I tell them. I decided to spend the last couple minutes of lunch in the library. So I made my way to the worn down place and grabbed a book about famous poets and their inspirations. I sat and read the book for a little bit before I heard steps behind me. I turned my head to who was coming up to me and saw Mae the girl who sits by me in math. She sat down in the seat across from me and I asked,

"Can I help you?" She just glared at me, but then she took a deep breath and looked me straight into my eyes and said,

"I need you to back off of Klaus,I saw him first." I must of looked as confused as I felt because she explained "I had a crush on him for a while so back off, it's obvious you like him, but I saw him first so he's mine." I don't know why but I just really don't like the way she talks about Klaus, like he is an object to be won rather than a person. I hear boys talk about girls like that all the time.

"Klaus isn't an object so he isn't "yours" so go right ahead, I don't like him like that anyways" she looked pleased with herself "but I am allowed to be friends or more than friends with whoever I please so get over yourself." I grabbed the book put it in my bag and went off to 6th period P.E.

When I got to the field I looked at the grass that was dry and yellow. I glanced at the wooden bleachers that were basically falling apart. But what really caught my eye wasn't the grass or the bleachers but the new gym teacher. I turned to Klaus and Violet and saw their eyes wide with fear and remembered that Klaus told me that count Olaf usually comes in a elaborate disguise. I looked at his forehead to see if he had one long eyebrow but if he did it was covered by a turban. I looked at his ankle for the tattoo of an eye but it was also covered up. Then I looked into his eyes and felt shivers roll down my spine. His dark glassy eyes are cold and distant. I could tell he has seen lots of things. This man has murdered the Baudelaire's uncle and aunt. This man was after their fortune. He tried to kill Sunny, a helpless little baby. This was an evil man, in a school, not just any school, but mine. The Baudelaires are not safe here. I told Klaus I would help him and I plan on keeping my word.

"Is that-?" I whispered into Klaus' ear. He nodded not daring to take his eyes off of Olaf. "We need to get you guys out of here, but for now act like you don't know who he is, it will buy us some time." He nodded again. I knew things were going to get worse. I took a deep breath and tried to think of a way that could prevent the travesty heading our way.

The Baudelaire's happiness was clouded by fear
I wonder what Quigley would do if he were here

In case you didn't know this will have some kladora moments in it. Also I don't post consistently I just post when I can so be on the watch for that. Make sure to vote, comment, and share!

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Awkward- and Isadora Quagmire fan fiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now