Chapter 10: The Yule Ball & arrivials

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Lucy's POV.

We were sitting in the feast room when I heard Hermione speak.

"Ugh! I can't believe it, she's done it again" she said. "Hermione Granger, a plain but ambitous girl, seems to have a taste for famous wizards. Her latest pray, sources report is none other than the bulgarian bonbon Viktor Krum. No word yet on Harry Potter's taken this emotional blow" she read.

"Sounds like a piece of work" I said as I ate my food. A small boy, who looked like he was in either his 2nd or 3rd year, possibly only his 1st, walked over to our table.

"Parcle for you Mr. Weasley" he said.

"Ah, thank you Nigel" Ron replied. Nigel stopped and just starred at Harry.

Hermione and I exchanged glances and then looked at him. Ron noticed the boy hadn't moved

"Not now Nigel, later" Ron whispered.

Nigel frowned a little.

"Go on" Ron said. Nigel slugged his shoulders and walked away. Hermione and I both gave him a sort of, 'what'd you do now- look',

"I told him I'd get him an autograph" he said.

He opened his gift.

"Oh look..mum sent me something" he opened it, "mum sent me a dress" he said sounding confused.

"Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnett?" Harry asked as he found it. "Ahah! "  he said as he placed it over the dress.

"Nose down, Harry" Ron said rolling his eyes. He had already gotten up and now he walked over to  Ginny.

"Ginny, these must be for you" he told her. By the looks of Ginny's face, she was apalled. I have to admit, it was rather hidious. 5

"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly" She replied. I noticed Hermione reading a note so I glanced over.

They're for Ron! 😂

We started laughing and Ron walked back over to us.

"What are you going on about?" He asked us.

"They aren't for Ginny, Ron" I started.

"They're for you" Hermione finished "Dress robes" she told him.

Everyone started laughing.

"Dress robes? For what?" He asked.

[Time Skip]

Professer McGonagall talked to us about the Yule Ball, and it became entertaining as soon as she made Ron start to dance.

Later on that night, we sat in our room.

"So, do you want to go with anyone in particular to the ball?" Hermione asked me.

I shrugged.

"I dunno, I guess we'll have to wait and see" I replied. 

"You could always take me" said a familiar voice. Hermione and I turned our heads to see Beatrix standing by the door.

"Beatrix!" We said as we ran over and gave her a hug.

"What's up? Sorry I've missed the past few weeks. It wasn't safe to leave the house" she told us.

"There's a Yule ball coming" I told her.

"Ooh , sounds interesting" she replied.

Moments later, Harry, Ron and Qual ran into the room.

"Guys! Oh hey Beatrix. It's just awful news, the daily prophet!" Ron said in a panic.

"Hi Qual!" Hermione, Beatrix and I said as we hugged him.

"Hi, lovely to see you all" he said. He sounded nervous and worried but tried to keep cheerful.

"What's the matter?" Beatrix asked.

"It's Ruledalphes" Ron said, "His dad... his dad.." Ron couldn't get the words out.

"His dad's a death eater.." Harry muttered.

"What? There's surely no way" Beatrix said.

"It is! Look at this note Rudi sent" Ron said as he shoved the note in our faces. I grabbed it and read it aloud.

"Dear whoever is reading.

Hopefully you're one of my best friends. Harry, Hermione, Qual, Lucy, Beatrix or Ron. I am in grave danger. My dad, he has an awful secret.

He's a death eater.

I witnessed him murder someone with my own eyes.

He doesn't know yet but soon enough he might find out.

I should be arriving soon. Hopefully I can explain more before it get's too risky
With love, Rudi"

"Blimey. This isn't good.." Beatrix said..

"Not at all" Said a voice, it was Rudi.

"Rudi!" The 3 of us went (by us I mean Hermione, Beatrix and Myself) we all hugged him, a hug that nearly knocked him flat. We all let go, I didn't want to but he was safe now.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I just found out my dad's a bloody death eater, course I'm not" he replied calmly.

"Rudes, what happened?" Ron asked.

Rudi began to explain, as he explained more, it got worse.

Qual placed a hand on top of mine, we both noticed but pulled away before the others noticed.

If anyone of them noticed, we'd never hear the end of it.

[Harry's POV]

As Rudi explained how he discovered his father's secret, my scar began to hurt.

"Ah!" I screamed in pain.

"Harry!" Hermione said as she rushed to my side. Kneeling down, "Are you okay?" She asked worridly.

"It burns" I replied. "I..I can almost..not breathe" I said as I struggled to get words out.

"Go get Dumbledore now!" Rudi said as he ran over to me. Ron ran out, it was past curfew but this was serious

"Breathe, Harry, like we talked about. It's okay" he said.

[Time skip]

"Here.." Hermione said as she handed me a glass of water, her and Beatrix were the only one's left awake. They sat on the edge of my bed.

"Thanks" I said as I took a drink. "I'll be okay now" I told them.

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, honestly. Go, before we get into any trouble" I told them.

"A..alright" She said, "but if you need anything at all.." she began.

"I'll be okay, I promise" I told her.

I could tell she was hesitant.

"Alright" she said, she kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight" she said as she left.

"Night Harry" Beatrix said, pecking a kiss on my forehead and leaving the room.

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