Chapter 11:Questions and Fevers

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Harry's pov.

Ever since Beatrix kissed my forehead, my feelings for Cho slowly dissapeared. I couldn't tell if it was because I was tired or if I started to fancy her.

We were in the dining hall but I was not in reailty.

"Harry" Hermione said, snapping her fingers at me to get me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Yes?" I asked, as I looked at her.

"Are you alright?" She asked, "You've been in quiet a state recently" she told me.

"I have?" I asked, not realizing it.

"Yeah mate, what's on your mind?" Rudi asked.

"A lot honestly. The dance, the next task, my scar, the cup..even your father, Rudi" I told him.

"Yeah, I'm not so sure about what to feel about my dad guys" He confessed.

I looked over at Qual, who himself was out of state.

"Qualiff, you okay?" I asked.

"Hm?, yeah" He replied. I turned around to see Beatrix talking to Josh Burrban, a Hufflepuff 4th year.

"What's Josh Burrban doing talking to Beatrix?" I asked, whispering it into Qual's ear.

"They're friends, Harry. Surely you knew that" He replied.

(Josh Burrban)

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(Josh Burrban)

"Oh, yeah...yeah I knew" I replied.

[3rd person's pov]

Jealousy burned Harry's insides as he saw Beatrix talking to the handsome Hufflepuff. Why, though?

[Lucy's POV]

I noticed Harry being really out of tune. I decided to walk over to him.

"You alright? You looked a bit flushed" I asked him, placing my hand on his forehead. Hermione noticed and waved Beatrix to come over to us. She ran to Harry's side.

"Are you okay Harry?" Hermione asked as she moved to Harry's side of the table.

"My head has been hurting for a while now" He replied.

"We better take him to the hospital" I said.

We took Harry to the hospital wing, and Madam Pomfrey took him immediately, having him lay on a bed.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked, concerned .

"I'm afraid he's got a fever, best we not try to fix it exactly by magic because it may not always work well" She told us.

"Will the fever last long?" Harry said trying to sit up, but Hermione stopped him.

"No, possibly only a few hours at best. Proper sleep will help you" Madam Pomfrey said, we sighed in relief.

"Here, drink this. It will help you sleep and by tomorrow, you should be well rested and ready for the ball coming in a few days" She said handing Harry a sleeping potion.

"We'll come see you tomorrow" Hermione said, gently kissing Harry's cheek. Beatrix kissed his forehead and they both left.

"See you tomorrow, mate" Ron said as he left with the boys. I stayed back.

"Harry. Need me to stay?" I asked.

"I'd love for you to Lucy but it's best you go to bed" he replied

I hesitated, I was hesitsnt to go, I didn't want to leave him on his own, especially when the circumstances are higher.

"Are..are you sure?" I asked.

"Go" he said, grabbing my hand.

"Okay" I said, kissing his nose. I left and went back to my dorm.

[Time Skip]

"So Beatrix, what was Josh, asking from you?" I asked.

"He wanted notes from potions class" she replied, rolling her eyes.

"Ah" I chuckled, "he's a nice one, Josh" I said.

"Yup, quiet a nice one" She replied.

We all shut the lights off and headed to bed.

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