Chapter 17: Heart break, friendships, disasters& rescues

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Harry was ready to tell Beatrix how he felt. He woke up 5 1/2 days before the 2nd task, Hermione kept on pestering him to figure  out the egg,but he pushed it away, hoping by the 2nd task he'd be calling Beatrix his girlfriend.

After getting showered and dressed, he left the common room to go look for Beatrix, to his luck he found her outside.

He was smiling, his insides felt like they were gonna burst with excitment at the chances that he might have a chance with her and all the lies he'd been fed over the years by the people who hated him the most, the Dursley's, were fake.

He has a chance!
His smile faded as he got closer, he found her...

Only to find her snogging Josh, her hands running through his hair.

Tears began to sting his eyes and he couldn't help it, he ran.

He ran back into the common room and sat on the couch.

A few minutes later, Hermione and Ron entered.

"Harry?" Hermione whispered, Harry didn't reply.

"Harry, what happened?" Ron asked with concern. Harry chuckled a little.

"I love you guys" he said, tears dripped down his face.

"Harry, what is it?" Hermione asked.

"She was snogging Josh" he said softly.

"What?! She never told me that!" Hermione said, she looked at Harry
"You're heartbroken, aren't you?" She asked him.

He looked at her and nodded. She sighed, sitting next to him, as Ron sat on the other side.

"Oh Harry." She said as she pulled him in and hugged him as she cried.

Ron stared at them for a few seconds and then stood up.

"C'mon Harry, you and I are gonna have a guys night out" he piped.

"Wu...?" Harry mumbled.

"Ron, are you sure?" She asked nervously glancing at the boy who was falling asleep on her chest.

"I'm sure. It's exactly what he needs" Ron said cheerfully.

Hermione reluctantly agreed, helping Harry get up.

"You have fun tonight Harry, just be careful" she said kissing his cheek and leaving.

[Time skip]

Ron and Harry happily wondered around Hogsmead. Soon enough it was getting dark.

"Harry, we should go now before Hermione freaks." Ron said as he turned around.

"Harry?" He called. His eyes widened with panic, he saw foot prints and followed them.

Only to see Harry in the arms of a death eater. Out cold.

"Harry! Let him go!" Ron growled. He was stunned.

"Bye bye" he said as he appirated out of Hogsmead.

"NO!" Ron roared. He began to panic. He ran to the school and bursted to the doors of the common room.

It was just Hermione sitting on the couch reading a book

"He's gone! They took him!" He yelled, alerted, Hermione sprung to her feet.

"Who? Who's gone?" She asked.

"Harry!" Ron yelled as he surpressed a sob. "They took Harry! They're gonna kill him!" He cried.

"No! Oh no. No no no" Hermione said.
"We have to find him Ron!" She said as she panicked.

She ran into her room as Ron ran into his.

Girl-'s dorm
"Girls, wake up!" Hermione said between sobs. She went over and shook Lucy.

"Lucy. They took Harry!" She cried.

Lucy sprung out of bed and so did Beatrix in a moments notice.

Boy's room

"HARRY'S BEEN KIDNAPPED BY A DEATH EATER" He yelled as he bursted into the room. Rudi and Qual sprung to their feet.

The 5 Griffyndor's ran and met up in the common room....and then ran out to Dumbledore.

They ran out and bursted into Dumbledore's office and explained what happened.

The girls were all a mess- the boys were all furious.

"Professer. How is it possible?" Hermione asked between sobs.

"I'm not certain, Miss. Granger but I assure you Mr. Potter will be found" Dumbledore said with his twinkley eyes.

He sent his people to find Harry, but his friend's insisted they help find him too but Dumbledore kept telling them it's too dangerous.

[Time Skip]

What felt years was only hours. 5 hours later, Snape bursted into Dumbledore's office.

"They found Potter..."

[Hermione's POV]

"They found Potter.." Professer Snape said bursting into Dumbledore's office. Never have I been so happy to hear Professer Snape speak.

I bursted into  sobs of relief as I was the boy's faces begin to calm down, tears rushing down their faces. We followed Snape to the hospital wing.

We ran in and I saw Harry, lying on his bed and staring at the celing.

"Harry!" I cried quietly, I ran right over to him.

"Hermione, hey. Hi Ron, Lucy-ooph" he said as I hugged him.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay?" I asked, scanning his face as I kissed it a few times. "Oh thank God. One more second and I would of exploded" I said, I hugged him again.  I felt a relief when he hugged back.

The others ran over and we all embraced in a hug together.

The others left with a few arguments but I stayed back, I kept on hugging him to make sure it wasn't a dream.

"Hermione, my arm" he said. I gasped and let go.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" I said, pulling his arm to see it was bandaged up.

"Oh Harry, what did they do to you?" I asked, kissing the side of his head.

[Time Skip]

Over the time- Harry explained what had happened.

He'd seen the death eater and tried to escape but he got hit with a sleeping spell. When he woke up he was in the Riddle House, lucky for us we had alerted Dumbledore before it got too late. Though Wormtail managed to start the potion or whatever you'd call  it, to bring Voldemort back to life starting with the blood of an enemy. 

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