Under Your Spell {A Vampire Romance} [#20]

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Original Publish Date: 3/2/2010

I walked slowly, steadily back towards Skylar. Seeing my mother and sisters had been a shock. It was like a movie playing over and over in my head, every detail crystal clear. I was so distracted that I almost walked past the unconscious form of my little companion. She was so small as i gazed down at her, looking nothing more than a bundle of clothes to the naked eye.

I slid down next to her slowly and took her in my arms for warmth; laying in the snow probably wasn’t the best thing for her, the last thing she needed on top of all this drama was to get sick.

I could see the hunter’s lab in the distance, bright orange and yellow flames licking along the framework, and smoke rising gracefully up to blend into the starlit night. As I stared aimlessly into the hypnotizing flames, an explosion rocked the Earth around me and pulled me right out of my daze. Where the hell was Lucian?

My mind instantly sought his, but when he was found he threw up mental blocks, forcing me (rudely) out. I frowned, but there wasn’t much I could do about it at the moment, after all he was busy. It did bring me a little peace of mind though, finding that he wasn’t dead or seriously injured, and I sighed in defeat. I would probably be sitting here for a while since I had to wait for the vampires to start heading back to the mansion.

It seemed like an eternity before Lucian’s mind slipped easily back into mine and I couldn’t help but smile as he sent loving warmth through our link. He would always be there for me, that I was sure of. I was still a little irritated with him for just shoving me out of his mind, but he had to do what he had to do right?

“Come to me my love.” Lucian’s voice floated smoothly from me as he walked towards where I was sitting. I didn’t hesitate to spring up and embrace him. “It has been far too long since I’ve held you in my arms.” I felt so safe and warm in his arms, and I knew he would never intentionally let anyone harm me. I looked up at my vampire and smiled as joy swept through me. I was finally out of that damn lab and in the arms of Lucian.

Suddenly though, the memory of my meeting with my mother and sisters flooded back into my mind and I pulled away from him, not realizing I was frowning.

“What’s wrong?” Lucian asked cautiously and I turned my emerald gaze up to him.

“Nothing, it’s just really cold and we should probably get back.” I lied. It hurt me to lie to him, but I needed time to think about it before dropping it on him. Besides, what was I supposed to say? Hey Lucian, my dead family is trying to kill you because they hate vampires and they don’t want me to be with you? Yeah. Not likely. He’d probably think I’d gone insane.

“Yes, we should get you two warmed up.” Lucian said, bringing me out of my thoughts. I saw him gaze affectionately down at Skylar and my heart practically flipped over. I didn’t know exactly what I expected to do with a kid, but the way he looked at her melted my heart. At the same time I felt bad because I just couldn’t keep Skylar myself; I wasn’t ready for the responsibility of motherhood yet, even if I desperately wanted to keep this child. I started to think about the people I was going to ask to take care of her when I looked up and saw Lucian staring at me with a funny face.

“Don’t look at me like that.” I said I shifted uncomfortably and he quirked an eyebrow at me.

“Are you sure that’s who you really want to take Skylar?” He asked me in a serious tone and I realized he had been reading my thoughts. A slight blush crept into my cheeks.

“I can’t think of anyone better. They will absolutely love her.” I said, feeling sure of myself for once in the past few days. “Let’s not concentrate on that right now though. We need to get back to the mansion.” I pulled away from Lucian and picked up Skylar, brushing excess snow away from her and tucking her close to me so she could be as warm as possible. I looked up at Lucian and he nodded, opening his arms to embrace me. As soon as he took me, he was using his vampire speed to run back towards the cars.

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