Under Your Spell {A Vampire Romance} [#16]

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Original Publish Date: 9/13/2009

“Silly woman. You’ve been with the vampires. You know them much more intimately than we do and with their blood in you, which I injected in the red, we can develop new diseases to wipe them out. We actually have a vampire working for us, but we chose not to test on them because they are a vital part of destroying their own kind. Yes, it’s just one.” She rambled on dreamily, as if it was the greatest thing in the world, then looked down at me. “How can you sleep with a deadman?” Disgust was plain on her features.

“Obviously I do know them better than you. They aren’t dead, and they aren’t monsters. The only humans they kill are the ones that try to kill them first.” I spat at her and she looked amused.

“Oh they have you completely convinced. That’s ok, it will make this process all the easier.” She flipped her brown hair over her shoulder and walked out of the room. I glared at her the whole way out and screamed as soon as she was gone. Why did I have to get stuck with the crazy people? And why the hell was a vampire working to kill their own species?

“Don’t worry, you’ll be back to your sweet cell in a few minutes. The guards are busy transporting someone else.” The scientist said as she entered the room again. She crossed over gracefully to lay the clipboard on the counter and began mixing substances in glass bottles and test tubes and what not.

“Why are you so against vampires? Have they ever done anything to you?” I struggled against the straps to find a more comfortable position, but failed miserably.

“They are vile creatures, cursed, and they should never have been in this world. They kill humans, young and old alike. They drink blood for Christ’s sake!” She exclaimed as she continued mixing mysterious things.

“Like humans don’t do the same thing? You ever watch the news lady?” I countered and she spun to face me, a twisted mask of hatred on her face.

“They slaughtered the only family I ever had, my baby girl, my husband, my father, and my aunt. They left me behind, and for what? So I can continue to exist in suffering and hatred!” She yelled at me and I shifted away from her as much as the straps would allow. “I hate them, they are disgusting! Without them my life could have been normal, but no! They have to go and ruin everything! Humans may do many vile things, but this wouldn’t have happened if it was just humans.” Her voice kept growing louder and her grip on the counter behind her tightened with each word.

“I don’t think it makes a difference, and whoever killed your family was probably brought to justice. They have laws just as we do, and killing innocents is by far against every rule they have. Punishable by death. There is a plan-” I was suddenly cut off by mad scientist.

“Shut up! It was vampires who did it, and the vampires who deserve to die! They don’t have laws, they do as they please, ravaging and killing humans without a single thought. And you, you are worse than vampire or human, choosing to be a [censored ;D] of the undead! I should just kill you now! Maybe then they will come running for revenge.” She had a look on her face like a crazed and starved wolf and I was really getting nervous. She seemed like she was considering her last suggestion very closely, weighing the pros but not the cons.

“Dr. Valor, one of the subjects is reacting badly to the disease!” One of the guards shouted as he opened the door. The scientist straightened herself out and nodded to him. He held the door open for her and she spared me a rather nasty glance as she walked out to help. I was left to the silence of the metal room with it’s rusted tools.

I looked around, trying to see if they accidentally left anything close. I saw the shear-things hanging on the wall and I glared at them. “If you hadn’t been so stubborn I could have gotten out of here.” I mumbled as if I expected them to hear me. Maybe I really was going crazy.

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