Chapter 27

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Carter's POV

I've tried everything to talk to Jordan, that I literally had to go to Matt and ask for his help, but that didn't work. Honestly I don't get why I'm trying so hard, because I know I messed up big time, and she's never going to forgive me. I was drawn out of my thoughts by Hayes.

"Dude you alright, you've been lost for the past couple days?" Hayes asked and I shook my head and ran my hand threw my hair.

"No man, I fucked up pretty bad, and there's no way for me to fix it" I told him.

"Okay okay, what did you do so bad that you can't fix it?" he asked and I sighed.

"Well I cheated on Jordan awhile back, and we haven't really talked but when she finally let's me explain on my birthday, I told her a lie, and well she found out the truth, and now she frickin Hates me" I told him, getting angry with myself.

"Hold up you cheated on Jordan?! And Than lied to her?! What were you thinking?!" He asked me, and I wasn't going to get onto him because he is like 13 about to be 14.

"I know I did. And I don't know I didn't wanna hurt her more, but that back fired because it got worse, I should have just told her the truth in the beginning" I told him and he nodded his head.

"Well your an idiot and you should have but I see where your coming from but you should never do that to someone Carter" he said and seriously where is this advice coming from because like I would have never thought to come to a 13 year old for help.

"Thanks Hayes" I told him.

"No problem but I'm kinda curious on what Jordan thinks.. so do you have her new phone number?" He asked me and I nodded my head and gave him her number, and he dialed it, hopefully this will turn out good..

Hayes' POV

When Carter gave me Jordan's number I can tell you I was nervous because honestly I don't know what she's going to say or how will she react but I'm guess I'm going to find out.

"Hello?" Jordan asked when she answered.

"Jordan! it's Hayes!" I said to her

"Oh hey Hayes! how'd you get my number?" she asked me.

"Oh Carter told me, I asked him why you weren't answering and he told me you switched your number" I said to her.

"Oh-uh cool" she said oddly

"So Jordan how you Holding up?" I asked her, and she sighed.

"Honestly not good I've been under to much stress and pressure, that everything that happened between Carter adds more stress, and a lot of hurtness" she told me and I felt bad for her.

"I'm so sorry Jordan to hear that! and also I MISS YOU! Come visit me!! Or let me move in with you! either one is good" I said to her causing her to laugh.

"It's alright Hayes there's nothing to be sorry for, when you weren't the one who hurt me. and I miss you to Hayes. And I'll come visit soon, but I don't know about you moving In" she said.

"Awwwwww but I wanna move in! Or can you move in next door to me so I can live with you, and I won't have to be far from home!" I said and she laughed.

"Hayes I gotta be close to work so I can't move over there, sorry" she said

"Booo! so what ya doin?" I asked her.

"Nothin hanging out at Matts house while he's at school, I would usually go with him but got tired of all the attention" she said.

"Oh cool so your at Matts, how's it going over there? And anything happening between you too hmmm?" I asked her.

"Ya I am, and it's great I've had fun. and maybe, he kinda asked me out.." she said and my jaw dropped because I knew Carter wasn't going to be happy with this..

"What you say" I ask her

"I said ya,i thought I would give him a chance" she said and now I knew Carter wasn't going to be happy, and he might just kill Matt if he found out, it's not like I don't like Matt or anything because I do he's one of my best friends, just I don't know what Carter would do, and honestly I really don't want him to find out, and hopefully he wont...

A/N : Sorry it's short I just thought I would update for you guys because well I haven't updated in awhile, and I'm also tired so it might be kinda sucky...

I gotta question for you guys, what do you think should happen in this story? Because honestly I didn't think this story would be this good because It was kinda of just a free write I thought no one would read, but anyways ya

What do you think should happen in this story???

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