An invitation {pt I}

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Liza's POV:
The door opened. I watched as David stepped out from the comfy seats of the slick black limousine, before following him myself. My dress flowed around my feet and the stones shifted under my weight. I really need to workout more often, I thought, rolling my eyes as the lights blinded me. Of course, my fwend Kwisten was here with her boyfriend Scott, who came out after me. She's the only other person I knew was coming besides David, as we'd spoken about the letters we'd received.


"Hiya!" Kristen called, stepping through my door as I embraced her in a warm hug.

"Hiya!" I returned the greeting. "How are you?"

"Oh I'm good, thanks. And guess what? I've been invited to a dinner party in a few days time!"

"No way!" I exclaimed. "Me too!"

We moved from the doorway to the kitchen, me shutting the door behind me. There, I pulled out my letter and showed Kristen, who nodded and confirmed that it was the same.

Dear Liza Koshy,
You are invited to a dinner party, unlike any other. Many other fellow YouTubers shall be attending. My driver will pick you up at 7 o'clock on the fifth of May and will bring you to my mansion in the modern day. You must dress appropriately; bring no electronic devices. If you do the house will simply never appear for you. Hope to see you soon.

I looked up at Kristen. "What're you wearing?" I asked.

"I don't know," she replied.


Now, she looked stunning. She was in a deep emerald coloured dress that crossed over at the top and reached just below her knees.

Then David reached out his hand, which I took, and escorted me up the steps to the door.


And so I step through these double doors that must be like...a hundred times taller than me. And instantly I'm like: who has this much money?

The room was massive. Glass chandeliers hung from the ceiling; two pillars held up the upper floor; huge paintings that looked priceless covered the majority of the walls; this place was a fucking palace.


So I'm gasping at all the artwork when the others started drifting in. First was this other brown girl, except she was definitely taller than me. Her hair was just as long and flowing as well as the same colour as her black dress. Oh, and also, her make up was on point. Of course, I recognised her instantly.

"Lilly!" I called, rushing over in my silvery heeled shoes with my arms outstretched.

"Liza!" I softly embraced her, before squeezing the living daylights out of her. "It's been so long!" I let go of her, nodding before she raised her finger a few inches in front of my face and stepped back. "Wait. Wait wait wait, h-how long has it been since we last saw each other? Three months? Two eternity?"

"The latter, I think," I joked, when David walked past me and I turned my head to see why. Then I realised that Alex had entered in a white tuxedo. Lilly had noticed too, so after David had caught up with him we went over too. "Hiya, how's Bailey?" I asked. I haven't seen that ball of fluff and adorableness for so long.

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