Getting to Know Previous Guests

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Cristina's P.O.V

We shuffled out of the ballroom completely aghast at what had just happened. This was the first death the group had witnessed together, and although it wasn't as bloody or gruesome as David's, it was certainly the most disturbing. We'd had to vote who should live and who should die. That's a whole new level of fucked up, even when compared to the rest of this hellish night.

Nevertheless, I was beyond happy Nathan was still here, obviously.

Once back in our usual room, he dropped the small glass box, with maybe five centimetre dimensions and a dainty bronze frame that matched the label, onto the coffee table, and adjusted the key for it in the other hand. A moment later it opened with a soft click! and he shook out the contents: a small silver key with a hollow handle, about half the length of my pinkie; the tiny tag tied on with string read 'for the gramophone' in the common curly calligraphy associated with older times.

"Huh?" Adi asked, peering over mine and Nathan's shoulders to re-read it, before going over to the other table and returning with the heavy-looking object lopsidedly clutched to his chest. Upon inspection, it was revealed that there was a small keyhole in the back of its box, which fit Nate's prize. It opened a small draw containing another three door keys and yet another old, crumpled note.

"Next challenge: split into three groups and each enter a bedroom on the second floor, where you must gather three items representing a previous guest. Last group to finish will be up for voting. Have fun..." Adi read out for the group, and his listeners glanced round as if already considering who would be teaming with who.

"Okay," Scott piped up. "I guess I'll go with Kristen."

Kristen nodded. "You can join us too, if you want Liza," she offered.

I glanced up and the dark eyes that had found mine and smiled.

"I guess I'll go with Adi," Lia shrugged, walking over to stand nearer to her new partner.


My partner and I looked over to Alex, then back at each other, understanding passing between us. "Alex, do you want to join us?" I suggested. He was going to save Nate during the last challenge, so I was happy to team with him.


We spilled onto the landing, each group taking a key and Azzy pointed us to the four bedrooms, unsure of which ones we had the keys for. We tried the door to the left first, unsuccessfully, and then moved round the floor clockwise, finding ourselves entering the second room.

Against the far wall stood a four poster bed, composed of a dark oak frame; deep ruby drapes that matched the heavy curtains of the windows, and thick off-white sheets. In the right corner, a long desk stretched along the wall, with draws and bookshelves stacked underneath around the chair tucked away neatly. Diagonal from that stood a vanity table holding a giant mirror with the most intricate frame design I've ever seen, with swirls and rose buds gradually shifting into bees. The top was littered with beauty products and hair accessories, and I found the pale draws were just as full. A stool with golden legs and a silky red cushion hid beneath, hoodies and other clothing items sprawled across it, similar to the rest of the furniture.

I grimaced, nervously glancing around at the room. How on earth are we going to shift through all this mess before the other groups?


Adi's P.O.V

Lia and I found ourselves stepping through the door to the left of the staircase, revealing a large room with grey walls and white carpet hidden under a sea of clothes. A king size bed lounged one corner whilst an L-shaped couch hugged the far right walls; a bookcase reaching the ceiling marked the midpoint of the opposite wall, separating the two windows stuck either side, each framed by flowing emerald curtains.

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