The Room of Ghosts

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Scott's POV:


So I'm just like: what?

Trapped here? Like forever?


I couldn't believe it: an extravagant mansion had turned into a prison. Worse: one with seemingly no escape.

"What?" Liza's voice echoed around the room. I wanted to speak, but I was too shocked. Where did I start?

"Okay, I have so many questions," Kristen started, crossing her arms across her chest and looking up towards the corner of the room.

"I think we all do!" I laughed, putting my hand on her arm. "So like, we're trapped? We just have to sit here and wait 'till morning?"

"No, we have until morning to do something, but we're going to die along the way? What's the point?" David cried out in frustration, lobbing the glass from his hand towards the floor, where it shattered into thousands of tiny shards; Liza stepped back slightly, taken aback by her boyfriend's sudden movements. "If we have to die to escape, what the hell's the point? We may as well just sit here!"

"He's got a point. Either way we die. Mark was trapped here and look where he is now," Eugenia stated, lost in thought.

"Well we have to try," Nate suddenly said from the sofa. "Azzy, Mark and that driver-what's his name-"

"Alex," Azzy interrupted.

"-they all tried, didn't they? We still have a chance to escape, so I'd say we have to take it. Plus I want to find out what this key is for." He pulled his hand from his pocket, revealing a heavy-looking key. "It was with the antidote."


Look, I'm really not afraid of ghosts or spirits or whatever other shit this fucked up house has in store for us, but I still know what I'm suggesting: we need to get the fuck outta this place.


I followed Lilly and her girlfriends outside, with David beside me; the sky was a deep navy that descended into a palette of purples and pinks before melting into a soft sunset orange. I was glad that, if i was about to die, at least I've seen such a beautiful Spring sky. I got another glimpse of the outside of the building. The bland walls rising above the gate that circled it; stones outlining where the driveway merged into the grass and many flowerbeds. Waiting directly at the bottom of the steps was the jet black limousine that had brought us to this hell.

"Guys-look-I think the driver is in there!" Lilly called, bouncing down the steps and over to the driver door, opening it with a flourish, revealing the figure slouched over the wheel. "Hey! Alex!" No response. "Alex! Brah, don't try to scare us like this, I-" suddenly she stopped. She stepped back. It was only now that I and a few others realised the grey mist coming from the car and drifting up into the night sky...

He wasn't sleeping: he was dead.

Now I began noticing more details: the bits of blood splattered across the front window; the fact he was no longer in his formal cap and suit; the bit of paper lying by his foot. Azzy was right: they'd all meet the same fate... Choking on blood. "Guys look-there's a piece of paper by his foot."

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