Chap 3: Eye's Tell it All

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Chpater 3: Eye's Tell it All

Lily's POV

The show was starting, I couldn't wait. I was looking around and the curtain was slowly parting. Each boy was standing and smiling and waving to the fans. >> Good Evening Germany<< shouted Liam. Oh my god, he sounded just like on the youtube videos. I couldn't believe it was happening. I looked over toward Harry. He was staring at me again... As soon as he realized I was looking at him he looked away and into the crowd. I decidded just to forget what happened and enjoyed the moment. The boys started to sing WMYB, I sang along happily and danced with Celia. We were having such a great time. The songs went on and on, and after three or four the boys took a break. >> Well, are you guys enjoying yourlseves<< shouted Niall. A unanimous >> yes << arose from the crowd. >> Well, as nomal boys, we always like to look through the crowds and see what the girls look like, and well Harry seems to have found a good looking girl he'd like to talk to<< said Liam. Oh no, he'd only had eyes for me tonight. He'd always kept looking at me, every five minutes. What where they planning on doing, they weren't going to pull me out in front of everyone. I leaned over to Celia, >> I need to go to the bathroom<< I squeezed my way out ignoring her comment and ran ot of the room. I ran towards the bathroom and I could almost feel those green eyes following me through the crowd, and then I heard it >> STOP<<...

Ok, I've never wrote like this before, I have no idea what you guys will think but please comment and tell your friends to read pleas please please.

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