Chap 9: His Words=My Thoughts

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Chapter 9: His Words Equal My Thoughts

Lily's POV

I almost had a heart attack myself when I saw Celia on the ground, but under nIall's watchful eye I calmed down a little bit. Harry's hand was still on my shoulder and it seemed that it was the only thing holding me up. >>I hope she's alright<< I said wuietly. >>I'm sure she is<< Harry replied also looking at her. >>But let's sit down and chat we have an hour before we have to get on the bus and I want to get to know you a little if that's alright<< Harry said smirkingly. I smiled back and we walked across the room to a couch and sat down he offered to get me something to drink and I asked for a Diet Coke. He got it then sat back down next to me. >>So, Lily, I guess you kind of saw me staring at you the whole time<<. I had to laugh how could I not have noticed it. >> Yeah, kind of was wondering why thought, I kept thinking there was something on my outfit<< I said looking shyly at my knees. I couldn't master up the courage to look at his face. >>So, you and your friend, are you big fans?<< he asked. >>Yeah<< I replied.>> Celia's more ubsessed but I really like your music and the videos you guys make<<. He smiled,>> Yeah, I'm glad to hear that. Your friend, does she faint often?<< he asked. >> Well it's not like we meet One Direction on a daily basis<< I said laughing. >> Well you might from now on<< he said, and directly in that moment I looked up and our eyes met again. He smiled and I smiled back that was all that needed to be said. For the next half and hour we just talked about how old we were, what we liked to do (My hobbies are riding horses and taking pictures. Harry said he lived close to a barn and that one time I'd have to come over and see the horses.). Then all the sudden I heard a little shreak! Celia had woken up. I ran over to her >> is everything ok<< i asked. >>Well, I just woke up and saw the real live Niall James Horan standing and staring at me. Sorry got a little excited<< she said gasping for air. >>Are you alright love, you look really pale<< liam said. >>Yeah, it's a little worrying<< Louis agreed. >> Well to me you just look plain beautiful love<< Niall said. I knew that was it, she was dying inside. She blushed a bright bright red. >>Thanks<< she stuttered not able to look at him. Niall helped her sit up and Zayn who had left while I was tlaking to Harry came back with the Tour doctor who checked her and said she was fine just needed water and rest. I looked at the clock and gasped. >> What's wrong Lily<< asked Harry. >>> Please don't say your feeling light headed too Hazza will have a heart attack<< Louis said. Harry blushed lightly it was so adorable, but so did I. >>It's time for us to be getting home I'm sorry. Thanks for the great night boys<< I said. I could se everyone was a bit dissapointe.d The boys obviously didn't have many firends their own age to hang around with while on tour. So I made a great suggestion. >>What about we exchange emails and numbers and all that<<. >>Yeah great idea<< Harry said. He ran to another room and got paper. I got a page of number for the five boys and in exchange they got a paper with Celia and my numbers and emails. We said our goodbyes (all five hugged me *-* so happy) and the security man guided us out. Celia was sleeping at my house tonight and my mom greeted us at the door. We went up to my room and got ready for bed. Yet, I somehow couldn't fall asleethose green eyes kept following me in my fantasy. They would never leave me, and then my phone rang. 

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