Chapter 1- Required

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I'm exhausted already!

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I'm exhausted already!

This is the biggest group we've ever had, and during the hottest summer... ever (I'm pretty sure)! What was I thinking? We always schedule regions based on weather, that being said, our summer in northern Illinois is turning out to be the worst it's ever been here.

I love my staff, though. With only a few exceptions, we get along very well. Some of the counselors travel with us 'full-time', while others are people in the area that have been through the camp with exceptional results. All of our teachers are on 'full-time' staff. Being on the road a lot, and living out of suitcases four months a year, isn't the life for everyone.

While many of our staff members are married, I'm single, and very happy that way. My life is too complicated for love. Especially since I can't have sex. It is pretty much impossible to find a man that doesn't want to have sex. Even then, I'm not going to marry someone just for the sake of being married. I'm happy with my life.

I'm only 31, but I feel so much older. If anyone had told me that this is where I would end up when I was in high school, I would have laughed hysterically. I know that my personal inexperience can be confusing for some, but I probably know more about sex than people who've played the field for years.

We've just had orientation. It's mainly going over the information found in the brochures and binders. Nothing super formal, just a welcome.

Watching everyone split into groups and sign up for classes makes me burst with pride. Knowing that kids are not in the cards for me has turned the camp into my baby. So seeing it grow and succeed warms my heart.

Megan (my business partner and best friend) is walking over, with an intense look of worry on her face. That's never a good thing.

"The cafeteria is only set up for up to 200! I can't believe it! They should be set for 400! I'm gonna kill someone!"

"Breathe Meg, breathe. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. But if we have to deal with it, we deal with it. We could split up meals into two groups, it's not ideal, and we should have known far in advance, but we will make it work. Maybe even make them serve all or most of the day, so people can eat when they want, instead of designated times. If we have to bring in more staff, we will. How about I go talk to the camp grounds manager and set it up? Better?"

Dealing with a hysterical Meg is not common, but terrifying. She typically the most chipper person alive. But I've learned over the years to just take control of whatever it is that's getting to her when she gets like this.

I smile as much as possible, when inside I'm screaming! When we reserved this camp, it was with the understanding that we had a bigger group than normal. It's the first time at this venue, but we'd done a ton of research on it beforehand. The amount of cabins and amenities made it an easy choice. It's more expensive than most places, but for good reasons.

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