Chapter 20- Wedding

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My new favorite thing is showering with Eli! He had me up against the tiles, wrapped around his middle, and was pounding into me

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My new favorite thing is showering with Eli! He had me up against the tiles, wrapped around his middle, and was pounding into me. I'd already had three orgasms, with another building.

"Oohhhh!!!! Eli!!!!!! Aaahhhhh!"

"Are you ready..... to come again? I'm.... there too.... fuck!!! Uuuuhhhh!!!

We rode out the high together and I swore I heard angels singing! He did things to me that I never thought possible. I was finally enjoying sex, and I could even close my eyes, somewhat. I found that if I closed my eyes in short bursts, it didn't take me back. But if I did start seeing or feeling my past, I forced my eyes open. It was amazing that Eli could just tell that it was what I needed. He knew that by focusing on him, I'd be okay.

We got dressed and packed our overnight bags. Eli told me we'd be dressing for the wedding at the hotel, so I could go more casual for now. Which was a very good thing, as it was still crazy hot out.

I called Meg to make 100% sure everything was going well and my leaving for the weekend wasn't going to create problems. She not only reassured me, so gave me a ten minute lecture on how I 'never did anything for myself and I had better eff off or she'd ground me for another week', which definitely wasn't going to happen. It did make me feel much better though.

Eli took me to a place not too far from the camp. We've technically had a few dates, but nothing he considered official. So, a lunch date it is.

He'd wanted to take me to a Chinese restaurant, but when he looked it up online, it said there was egg in almost everything. So, being the amazing person he is, he took me out for Mexican. I loooove Mexico food!

"What do you want?"

"I usually go for fajitas. I know, I'm boring, but it's how I judge every new place I go. If they can do good fajitas, it's a good Mexican restaurant."

"Fajitas it is. We can get the combo, steak, chicken, and shrimp."

"Yes!!! Perfect!"

After he put the order in, I got out my phone to double check that my mom is on board to meet up and go to the wedding. We talked about it, but I had the feeling she would have rather just come up to the camp, which I understood, but it was just too important. She texted back that, yes, she's going to be at the church a little before 4pm.

While eating our incredible fajitas, Eli and I kept looking at each other. It felt cheesy and sappy, but my heart was racing. He really loved me. It was difficult to imagine. Even after this past week, I had trouble believing that any man could love me. Eli was different though. I could tell that when he found something he was passionate about, he threw himself all in. He had wanted out of the family business, because his passion was being outdoors, among other things. He cared about his workers, he went above and beyond for them. He wasn't doing it to make money, he did it because it was what he loved. And I'm something he loves. It's humbling really.

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