Chapter 15- Different

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She was okay

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She was okay. I had to keep telling myself that, over and over. The day before was like none I had ever known. I had never been the anxious type. Sure, I had dealt with my far share of problems, but I never dwelt on it, until I sent CeCe to the hospital. I'd asked Megan to report back to me all day, but she was busy with the camp. I was pissed off with myself for getting the boot from the hospital, I wanted to be there with her. So, I had to do something to pass the time.

Early that morning, I went through my fridge and pantry, boxing up anything she couldn't eat. Later, I checked with a few staff members that had families and gave it all away. I hated throwing away food, so that worked out. I went shopping. I was very thankful for a grocery clerk that knew all about food allergies and walked me through the store to get what I needed. I'm sure I bought way too much, but I really didn't care. There was no way I was going to let that happen again. It was still early, too early.

Megan finally called. Hearing CeCe coughing made my heart constrict. I wanted so badly to talk to her and hear her voice, but not if was going to hurt her even more. I made sure she knew to keep quiet and get back to me as soon as she was able to.

After that, I went to CeCe's cabin. I had to convince her to stay with me and only eat at my house. So I took everything from her cabin and brought it home. Pretty quickly I figured out that she had a suitcase for clean and one for dirty clothes. We had on site laundry, but she was obviously too busy while working to do it often. Even her clean clothes smelled like the hot and muggy cabin though. So I washed it all, except for the very few dry clean only items. For those I asked a staff member to run them into town. The laundry kept me busy most of the day and I was very thankful for the distraction.

I checked in with Megan a few times, I could tell she was getting cranky, I guess she had been put under a lot of stress with all this. Even though I loved CeCe, Megan had been her best friend forever. She'd seen her through the worst of times, so that couldn't have been easy. Around 5:30pm I got a call from her letting me know that she was heading to the hospital to takes few things to her. She needed into the cabin to get clothes, but I explained that I already had them. She stopped by and I could tell she was exhausted. I apologised again for not being able to go instead, she understood and thanked me for taking care of her friend. There was something she wasn't telling me, but I knew better than to push it. Although I did make her promise not to spill about CeCe's stuff.

The next morning, around 8am, I got the call that she needed picked up. Megan knew I wanted to get her, so she made sure I knew that CeCe was expecting her. That worked for me, I loved surprising my girl.

After we got home and had breakfast, I was excited to show her the closet. She needed a shower, so I just had to wait. Sure enough, she was pleased. A small part of me was afraid she'd take it as too Alpha Male and be pissed, but she seemed honestly happy. I wanted to badly to get in the shower with her! But I wasn't crazy, it may have been two days ago, but I couldn't forget everything we discussed that day. I had to have patience, it was the only way.

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