Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Into the Dome


The top Floor of the Silph Co. Tower-

            The Boss sat behind the desk, his anger rising.  The CEO of Silph, robbed of his normal seat, sat across from him.  The CEO’s office on the top floor had windows on all four sides and you could see for miles upon miles in every direction.  However, it was the CEO who had the attention of the Boss. 

            “You mean to tell me that you don’t know where it is?” He clenched his fists so hard he was shaking.

            “I’m sorry to disappoint you,” said the Silph CEO, his voice was trembling with fear. “The Master Ball prototype was shipped away to an unknown location by someone in our R&D Department.” That wasn’t good enough for the Rocket Boss.  He stood up from the table and walked over and stared out the East window at the faint outline of Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town.  

            All of the plans that he had worked for so long to lay in place had come up short, he wasn’t going to let his master plan fall through as well.  “All I need is the Poke-ball, then I don’t need this city any more.  I won’t need anyone’s help once my prize is mine once again,” he said under his breath.  He turned back to the CEO. “I want you to get on the building wide intercom, and instruct all of the R&D managers to come to your office at once, if they don’t want to be found on the sidewalk seventy floors below us.”

            The CEO gulped and as he reached for the microphone, Sabrina appeared in a flash beside the desk.  The CEO would never get used to Saffron’s Gym Leader’s strange abilities.          “Good news,” she said.  The Boss raised his head and eyed her reflection in the mirror.  “The boy’s Pokémon wouldn’t respond to our commands, no matter how hard they were… motivated.” She took two steps and whispered in the Boss’ ear.  “So we played some mind games, if you will…” 

            The door opened and two Rockets and a spiky haired teenage boy walked in.  The boy had a blank look on his face and when Sabrina spoke again, the boy spoke the exact same words at the same time; the two voices spoke as one: “I am yours to command, sir.”

            The Boss forgot the missing Poke-ball for a split second as he turned towards the boy.  “You and your Pokémon.  I’m so excited that such a promising young talent has joined Team Rocket.  Your five badges speak for themselves, Green.” He gave Sabrina an approving grin.

Celadon City-

            Lorelei and Erika met Red and Blue at the Celadon Gym.  They sat down to have some coffee home-grown in the large greenhouse. 

            “You’re sure you want to help us fight our way through Rockets all the way through Saffron City, and up to the top of the Silph Building?  This is the most dangerous situation yet,” asked Lorelei.  Red and Blue looked at each other and nodded determinedly.

            “I told you, Lorelei,” reassured Erika.  “These kids are made out of tougher stuff than we give them credit for.  You and Lance should watch out, this generation of trainers could be coming for you at the next Pokémon League Championships.”

            Red opened his Gym Badge case and pointed to the shiny new Soul Badge that he had just won from Koga at the Fuchsia Gym.  “We’re more than capable to fight these guys, and with all of us teamed up, there’s no way we can lose.” He looked around.  “Where is Lance and Agatha?”

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