Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ma-Choppin’ Rock Tunnel


Rock Tunnel

            The entrance of Rock Tunnel was bright with the morning sunlight, but a couple turns into the tunnel it was pitch black.  Red called Pikachu out to spark its cheeks and provide a little bit of light.  While they were walking, all of a sudden Pikachu was knocked into the wall of the cave. 

            Pikachu got up and showed some more sparks and in the flashing light the figure of a gray, human like Pokémon showed.  Red recognized it from one of his previous battles.  It was a Machop, a strong, fighting-type Pokémon who, like its typing suggested, loved to fight.

 It was fast too, it dodged around Pikachu’s Quick Attacks in the dark. “Pikachu!” yelled Red.  “Use your big ears to listen for it, and then use Thunder Wave!”  Pikachu stopped providing its little light and listened in the dark.  When its ears picked up the faint pat, pat, pat, of Machop’s feet, it shot the little sparks in Machop’s direction, instantly the trainers heard a “CHOP!” and a thud as Machop hit the cave floor. 

Pikachu provided more light to show Red where Machop was, and Red threw a Pokeball at it.  After a short wiggle, the Pokeball dinged and Machop’s name and Icon listed along with the rest of Red’s Pokémon in his Pokedex. 

            “This is a feisty one!” Red exclaimed.

            “Yeah,” said Blue.  “But if it lived in the dark of Rock Tunnel its whole life, how do you think it battles in the light?”

            As they were walking, Pikachu’s little area of light in the dark was suddenly overwhelmed by a string of lights on the cave ceiling.  It was almost as if-

            “How??” questioned Blue with a puzzled look.  “The only electric current that runs through here comes from the abandoned Power Plant… No one lives there anymore. It isn’t operational! How could this happen?”

            Pikachu let out a sigh of relief.  Though the amount of electricity it was producing to lead the way for Red and Blue was small, it became bothersome to keep sparking its cheeks after a while.  Red recalled Pikachu and put his hands behind his head, relaxingly. 

            “Who cares?” Red laughed.  “I can enjoy good luck for a little bit without questioning it.”

            Blue responded.  “I care…” her voice trailed off as she pondered the functioning lights and followed Red through the cave. 

Lavender Town-

            Agatha ascended to the rooftop floor of Pokémon Tower.  The tower was a tall, many storied memorial to the long dead champions and their Pokémon.  Agatha’s spirit would one day haunt its halls along with her former Champion predecessors.  It was where she trained extensively when she was younger, harnessing the power of her Ghost-type Pokémon and learning to communicate with the long dead. 

            The old woman closed her eyes and listened to the faint, whispering of the voices.  They were gazing towards the north towards the abandoned Power Plant.  It was producing electricity again! Few of the long-dead Champions remember the power plant when it worked.  A name kept coming up… Zapdos..Zapdos has awoken they said.  Agatha was intrigued by what the spirits were up to, but that wasn’t why she was here.

            She faced the West, towards Saffron City, the colossal tower of the Silph Building glinting in the afternoon sun. In her mind, she concentrated on one person she knew had strong psychic powers of communication: the Gym Leader, Sabrina.  Soon, the young woman’s voice echoed in her mind. 

            I knew you would call, it said.  I foresaw it, so I came up to the top of Silph for better reception.

            Agatha let out a little chuckle.   Dear Sabrina, I seek Bruno, your boyfriend.  He hasn’t visited with the rest of the Elite Four in ages.  I would very much like to speak with him.

            Sabrina’s voice got a tone louder. He’s out getting groceries from the store, I can’t bring him to our conversation. There are too many thoughts in this big city, you see.

            Sabrina! Agatha was not going to play this game with the Saffron Gym Leader.  She was hiding something, the old woman could feel it.

            Relax, Sabrina’s tone had changed, he will call tonight, I’ll make sure of it.  Agatha was not to be denied, but she couldn’t let Sabrina know that the Elite Four was suspicious of her.  Sabrina’s tone changed again, this time almost to a sneer.  Ah, you’re on top of the graveyard as I expected.  Why don’t you just stay there until I can have him reach you?

            The voices of the dead cut the link between the Saffron Gym Leader and old Elite Four member, they were shouting “INTRUDERS.”  Before Agatha could turn around, she was grabbed by two men in black uniforms when she realized that an army of Team Rocket goons had come into Pokémon Tower.  Her Poke-balls were taken from her, as well as her video phone.

            The Team Rocket members all had on sunglass-looking headsets. 

            “Impossible!” she yelled at them.  “No evil can be here at Pokémon Tower! The unseen dead strike fear in the hearts of all trainers with wicked intentions and their Pokémon!”

            The leader of the Rocket mission pointed his weird sunglasses.

            “The unseen dead,” he said with an evil laugh.

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