Author's Note

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        Thanks again to everybody who's been faithful and kept reading up to this point!  I had so much fun growing with these characters as you guys hopefully have had reading about their stories.  Do you like it so far? Does it interest you (well, you're here so I guess it does)?  Any theories?

        Shoutouts to some of the best readers out there, helping me along the way.  Of course @Serena-Daniels (she persuaded me to post the rest of this early) also I'd like to give credit to @recklessAnalyst for being a great commenter and helping me fix up some typos AS WELL AS helping me with future battle scenes. You deserve a lot of credit when this story is finally done.  

        Now lets get to Chasing Shadows.  If you don't know what the "shadow" is, maybe you need to go back and re-read.  Expect this next one to be very plot heavy, with hardly any minor battle filler.  As of right now, I have 91 Microsoft Word booklet pages done (times new roman, single space, 12 font).  For all of you faithful readers, here is an excerpt that hopefully will peak your attention:

Chasing Shadows

His grandfather cleared his throat.  “Well, I guess I have seen Trainer’s set their Pokémon to spar against one another… There is something I received in the mail for you, Green.”

            Green scoffed, he was watching his Exeggutor handle the Primape, a Staryu, and a Hitmonchan all at the same time.  “If it’s more fan mail, you can burn it,” he said, not taking his eyes off of the fighting.  The mail dropped in his lap. He glanced at it, then smiled. 

            “From the Viridian City Gym Leader… what’s this for? Is he formally challenging me? Hoping that I’ll honor him for his first official battle?”

            “Green, you have always been proud,” he heard his grandpa talk.  “This is no ordinary Gym invitation.  You overlooked the front of the envelope.”

            Green looked again, sighing in annoyance and tossed the envelope up into the air.  Charizard happily incinerated it.  “So it’s addressed to me and Red.”

            “Don’t act so selfishly, Green,” scolded Professor Oak.  “You can be sure that I will tell Red.”

            “No need,” said Green.  Why did that kid who was always a step behind him get as much credit as he did?  “I’ll invite him myself.” 

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