The Love Flower Part3

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*Note: i might be gone for a while after this is posted because of my own life. this should be short. but i will be back in time.*

~Keith's POV~

"Pfffft, Lance thinks like that?!" i yell laughing.

I see Allura getting angery at Lance for being such a child.

"I guess Lance really is a child on the inside." Pidge said in the most monotone voice ever.

"Ya i guess. so he now has amp- wait........ DID HE FLIRT WITH ME EARLYER?!" i screamed, but instead of Pidge answering, Lance did.

"You know it baby!" he said spinning around in his chair and i can feel myself getting reder and reder.

"AHAHAH!" Pidge bursts out laughing. "Oh my god this is the best day ever!"

"S-SHUT YOUR QUIZNACK!" I yell back.

"Awww what's wrong Keithy? You embaresed~?" Lance said moving his eyebrows up and down.

and after that move i stormed out of the room, wanting to get away from everybody.

~Three Hours Later~

I walk into the hangout room seeing Lance with Allura and Coran putting that flower back in the box where it was originally from.

"Wow, three hours." i said

"SHutUrQUSizNake!" Coran says out of breath

"It was-" Allura stopped to breath "Out of The ordanaryally Hard."

I hear a snicker to see Lance laying down with an ice pack on his head and a bandage on his arm, where the flower was.

"That's what she said.." Lance said extremely softly, for Lance at least.

"Wow real mature." I said still thinking about when Lance flirted with me and turning red.

"hehe.... so what happened when that flower thing took over? i don't remeber a thing..." he said still speaking quietly.

"N-Nothing...." I said blushing more than ever. but Allura gave me "The Look" , the look that moms give you when they know you like someone, kinda look.

"Your voice doesn't sound like "Nothing"." he said.

soon Allura looked at me. Oh Boy

"Well, i'll tell you what happened!" Allura shouted. but before she could say, i ran and took her down pushing her over covering her mouth.

"Woah there, Keith calm down. what did i do? KEITH! GET OFF OF ALLURA I NEED TO KNOW!" He says slowly sitting up.

"Mffff!" Allura say struggling to get me off of her.

When Lance trys to sit up he falls off the couch because he is too weak to even move.

"Lance!" i say getting off Allura and running over to him.

"Are you okay?" i say picking him up only to carry him and set him back one the couch.

"yes Im fin-"


Oh Shit

*Crap- i can't beleive myself ;-; anyways if you read the top then you already know,

i might be gone for a bit after this chapter and i will post more. i Promise.*

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2018 ⏰

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